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Sunday, July 31, 2016

There is no need to offer alms to the SGI business suited priests

"The “Teacher of the Law” chapter states: “In addition, if after the Thus Come One has passed into extinction there should be someone who listens to the Lotus Sutra of the Wonderful Law, even one verse or one phrase, and for a moment thinks of it with joy, . . . you should understand that such persons have already offered alms to a hundred thousand million Buddhas.”

Tell them, "I have already offered alms to a hundred thousand million Buddhas. What need to offer money to you wealthy Japanese business suited priests of the pseudo-Buddhist Soka Gakkai religion?


  1. What if I don't offer alms to anyone? How do I make offerings to the Lotus Sutra directly if I am suspicious of the middle men?

  2. one offers their life to the correct law(teachings). one's reward is eternal buddhahood. sgi/nst members surrender their true heart. it starts with going against ones better judgement. years down the road it is too late for most.

    calling the sgi pseudo-buddhism is being too kind.
