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Sunday, September 25, 2016

Absolute end of the discussion

Noel...Try chanting Nam Myoho renge kyo along with this video. You will find yourself a square in a round hole.


  1. 2 slow you will have 2 find a faster one

    Try this Try chanting Namu Myoho lenge kyo for a better fit


    Pronouncing Lenge and not Renge is more important than U

    Why don't you take this seriously if you really care about how Nichiren pronounced Daimoku and here we are talking about the Law not its prefix HEY! Fair enough, what do you say or will keep ignoring the mammoth in room

    Listen to this Nichiren Shu priest how to correctly pronounce the Japanese reading of the Chinese (Kanji) characters - Shindoku reading

    I know you don't like Nichiren Shu priests but please listen to what he says at the 3 min mark. He says RE is wrong and Le is right,,,,hopefully we can have some unity on the Lotus flower, this L consonant is also vital for correct recitation

  2. i have heard the same thing [about renge/lenge]for years. It has not been proven to my satisfaction because most Japanese priests pronounce renge not lenge and so did Nichiren because he recited as was written, as did all 13 century Japanese. You should admit that we can not harmonize Daimoku, Nam with Namu, even were we to chant Namu as one beat because the sound "Mu" can never be expressed when chanting Nam.

  3. We chanted Nam Myoho Lenge Kyo using 6 beats and it sounds the same. Regarding you hearing renge...there is no such sound as R even though it is written as R in the Japanese language

  4. Act II- Noel is going clear..

    "Pronouncing Lenge and not Renge is more important than U

    "Why don't you take this seriously if you really care about how Nichiren pronounced Daimoku and here we are talking about the Law not its prefix HEY! Fair enough, what do you say or will keep ignoring the mammoth in room "

    Perhaps Nichiren did NOT teach *pronunciation * but counted on :
    1) Those who CAN read will say each character.

    2) Those who read each character and pronounce each character as he wrote them, can teach others.

    When one is so far off in left field--- focusing on pronunciation and rhythm when chanting daimoku , and this *one* cannot produce a single passage from Nichiren's writings that shows Nichiren even focuses on this issue, it bears noting that this *one* is adamantly regarding his own mind as superior to Nichiren's.

    Noel wants to expand and enhance Nichiren's teachings--- like some others who are responsible for SGI members NEVER knowing that Nichiren ALWAYS wrote Namu !!

    What moved me most when I first chanted Na-mu-myo-ho-ren-ge-kyo was the natural focus on *the Law*-- I no longer have to read the Gosho while chanting to *feel* connected to Myoho-renge-kyo as I did chanting "Nam"-- which to me was like unleashing a mad elephant-- a mind that has to struggle against a strong opposing force in order to focus on the Lotus Sutra as the object of devotion; that to which one devotes one's life-- IS the Lotus Sutra-- TRY remembering that when you speed up your truncated daimoku!! Being amongst a large group of "Nammers"-- chanting their furious paced *mantra*-- was pure torture for me.

    But, wait a minute-- The Lotus Sutra isn't your focus is it, Noel? You already have an enlightened mind from the Zen meditations you perform--- you are off in space imagining you can drift in and out of perfect enlightenment depending on what catches your fancy. And you constantly add and subtract from nichiren's writings as though this is *correct* practice for the *enlightened*.

    You have been very forthcoming in sharing just how and why you are a space cadet, Noel. And you have been condescending toward me each time I correct your loose interpretations with Nichiren's writings. Have you also blown off the compelling refutation of the Ongi Kuden Mark published here? Yup! and you keep engaging him either fawning or appealing to his sense of reasoning- when you aren't citing him for being a fledgling at this practice. Why do you keep this up ?

    You have already shown contempt for Mark's postings here that are strict and literal explanations of Nichiren's Major Writings. Numerous examples--

    It is curious how you keep this nonsense of yours going--and going and going-- You post lengthy Gosho passages-- and vacillate between professing to have the wisdom of a sage and condemning those who refute your wisdom. Odd similarity to Chas on ARBN--.

    Or perhaps, not so odd-- You have an agenda, Noel-- and it isn't seeking the Law or deepening your faith in Nichiren's teachings---.

    "I know you don't like Nichiren Shu priests but please listen to what he says at the 3 min mark. He says RE is wrong and Le is right,,,,hopefully we can have some unity on the Lotus flower, this L consonant is also vital for correct recitation"

    A bit of fawning preceding a totally ridiculous tangent--.

    You blew correct recitation, Noel-- making it a complex endeavor when Nichiren simply wrote the title of the Lotus Sutra and prefixed it with "Na-mu"-- means "to devote one's life"-- . that's also what Nichiren DID, Noel.

    Noel should admit he is not seeking to harmonize with the mind of the Buddha. And be done with it!


  5. Which Noel is having this discussion?

    The mild mannered "fawning", Noel?

    " know you don't like Nichiren Shu priests but please listen to what he says at the 3 min mark. He says RE is wrong and Le is right,,,,hopefully we can have some unity on the Lotus flower, this L consonant is also vital for correct recitation "

    Or the Rude, crude, base minded self professed "Enlightened Noel?"-- unplugged on ABRN--

    >>"Hi Richard,even though we have different out looks over the SGI and other matters I have empathy with you Guys that have had to endure with this horrid horrid woman. She is the substance of what nightmares are made of, and that I wouldn't wish on my worst enemy but as Nichiren Buddhists we believe that their is hope for worst of the worst as the 9 worlds are in Buddha just as Buddha is in the 9 worlds

    Regarding Katie as being the Devils Courtesan, is an insult to the intelligence of the Devil. From what I've experienced of her from the past her capacity to reason can summarized in the following

    MINNEAPOLIS (The Borowitz Report) – Scientists have discovered a powerful new strain of fact-resistant humans who are threatening the ability of Earth to sustain life, a sobering new study reports.

    The research, conducted by the University of Minnesota, identifies a virulent strain of humans who are virtually immune to any form of verifiable knowledge, leaving scientists at a loss as to how to combat them.

    “These humans appear to have all the faculties necessary to receive and process information,” Davis Logsdon, one of the scientists who contributed to the study, said. “And yet, somehow, they have developed defenses that, for all intents and purposes, have rendered those faculties totally inactive.”

    More worryingly, Logsdon said, “As facts have multiplied, their defenses against those facts have only grown more powerful.”

    While scientists have no clear understanding of the mechanisms that prevent the fact-resistant humans from absorbing data, they theorize that the strain may have developed the ability to intercept and discard information en route from the auditory nerve to the brain. “The normal functions of human consciousness have been completely nullified,” Logsdon said.

    While reaffirming the gloomy assessments of the study, Logsdon held out hope that the threat of fact-resistant humans could be mitigated in the future. “Our research is very preliminary, but it’s possible that they will become more receptive to facts once they are in an environment without food, water, or oxygen,” he said. - Andy Borowitz

    Sincerely, Noel <<"!topic/alt.religion.buddhism.nichiren/ra13zvjkItE


  6. Actually boys and girls, I have it from a reliable source that Nichiren pronounced the Daimoku as follows:

    Namu Meiu Hofu Renge Kyau

    and when pronouncing "r" sounds in Japanese it sounds like an english "L" sort of.

  7. can the japanese be trusted at all???????

    about anything??????????

    1. Nichiren was Japanese

    2. thanks , i needed to be reminded of that.

      ok, so your opinion is that there is one that can be trusted.

    3. anon.....lets not forget that nichiren chose to be born in the land of japan.....because it is so evil. the great destroyers of the lotus sutra.....the medicine for the latter age.

      too bad, too sad!
