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Sunday, September 18, 2016

“Never forgive the base enemies of the Buddha, never!" -- Daisaku Ikeda

“Never forgive the base enemies of the Buddha, never! Be unremitting in your battle against them! Fight through to the end against the scheming verbal violence that seeks to undermine the Kosen Rufu movement, upholding in your hearts the slogan 'Adamantly Fight Back!'". — Soka Gakkai President Daisaku Ikeda, message to the Saitama Youth Division

1 comment:

  1. The battle cry of a corporate minded cult leader !

    Nichiren did not *fight back* he upheld the Lotus Sutra, and he insisted on public debate to resolve conflicting views on erroneous teachings that were causing of misery for the people.

    IF the SGI had any connection to Nichiren it would likewise INSIST on public debate to resolve the conflicting views on doctrinal matters with "its ENEMIES"--

    C'mon look at the rhetoric of anger and retaliation that Ikeda calls "Buddhism"? Egocentric horse hockey---

    It is truly pathetic.

