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Sunday, September 25, 2016

The Nichikan Gohonzon only resembles a true Gohonzon

"...none of the Buddha images in the temples and pagodas of Japan, though their forms resemble that of the Buddha are really Buddhas in mind. Rather they have the minds of ordinary beings who live in the nine worlds." -- Nichiren

He goes on to say:

"The custom of revering ignorant teachers as though they were wise men began with this." 

1 comment:

  1. "...none of the Buddha images in the temples and pagodas of Japan, though their forms resemble that of the Buddha are really Buddhas in mind. Rather they have the minds of ordinary beings who live in the nine worlds." -- Nichiren "

    Thus the term "no"-honzon is employed to describe Nichikan's follow- the -dots *object of worship*

