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Tuesday, February 21, 2017

"In the name of Allah most gracious and most merciful"


Nichiren would be appalled!!!


  1. Ikeda is a controversial figure. Mainly known as a purchaser of international awards, titles and medals. He is also known as Sensei to millions of individuals with Borderline Personality Disorder.

    Please note that this took place in Japan at the Soka International Friendship Hall. I have no doubt that the Delegation members of University Malysia were paid to be there. I know this to be true because of the following article concerning the University of Milwaukee awarding Daisaku Ikeda another such honor

    And if he can’t purchase the honor, he will lie about having received it. Read Ikeda’s own website for just one example of his lies -

    Look at the picture, the caption says - Dr. Manfred Osten (2nd from right) presents the Goethe medal to Mr. Ikeda (2nd from left) while Mrs. Osten (right) and Mrs. Ikeda (left) look on.

    Just as above, Dr. Manfred Osten was paid by the SGI to go to Japan to make the presentation. But if you look at the other picture, the one of the so-called Goethe medal, there is a problem. The problem is that the depicted medal is not the Goethe Medal. There is another problem. If you go to the Goethe Institute’s website - - there is a list of every recipient of the Goethe Medal. No surprise that Ikeda isn’t on it.

    Ikeda is nothing more than a media campaign whose head will split in 7 pieces

    1. thanks for the input dave brown and even a real name. many that post here are to shallow and weak to post with a real name it is a treat. i think u r so right regarding ikeda. many years ago in nsa i used to know a dr brown. i just saw this and it was worth reading. thanks for the share. best wishes.
