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Saturday, February 25, 2017

Whose banner of propagation do you choose?

Whose banner of propagation do you choose?


  1. Upper right :Nichiren's Gohonzon for the Transmission of the Dharma!!

    The other two are cheaply appointed counterfeit no-honzons!!


  2. Hi there, Greg!!

    It was amazing to receive the beautiful juzu from you last week-- I had recently thrown out all of my SGI *beads*-- and was contemplating how I might obtain some pure and *correct* juzu . there was no way for you to know this, which makes the receipt of your gift even more special to me!!

    I am writing a more detailed message in appreciation for your thoughtfulness, while struggling to keep up with study material Shinkei is sending to me.

    Tears-- truly grateful for the fortune of encountering you all here on Eagle Peak --



    1. oh good katie. thanks for letting me know you received. just saying welcome aboard the buddhas one true vehicle, and a thanks for all the great encouragement. so glad you have made some contact with the priest shinkei. i had left you a message awhile ago to contact him...per his request. it was a bit far back and possibly you did not see it. as you know, there are no sects that have correct faith but sgi/nst are by far the most egregious. so these beads did not come from them, to me, that is good news. if you don't mind, maybe soon i will shoot you a email so i have you in my system, and vise versa. please take good care of yourself. gassho!

    2. I really ❤ these juzu-- very real, palpable difference in my hands . Yes tossing SGI beads was a good idea - even when I had no idea how to find authentic , pure juzu-

      I am extricating myself from arbn - which is to say I take seriously your wish that I take good care of myself - and am paying attention to detrimental effects of " mixing /affiliation " with slanderers -- beyond doing one's best to propagate the true teachings -/ there is nothing to gain from contact with slanderers .

      Shinkei is so humble and so brilliant - he is truly a disciple of Nichiren a real Nichiren priest . Studying authentic material is opening my eyes -- and giving me ideas about sharing the teachings with kids, youth --

      Natural , energizing benefits flow from association with Nichiren's followers - so grateful for Eagle Peak --

      Words fail me -

      Gassho ❤️
      ~ Katie

    3. wonderful, wonderful! yes, yes, yes.

      "admonish three times then a sage should depart." excellent advice from nichiren. sometimes even less might be appropriate. sgi/nst/arbn = like trump, draining the swamp only to find quicksand. sadly, in most cases.

      gratitude to the three jewels. gratitude to mark for his many years of eagle peak and more. gratitude to witness a transformation from a harsh, angry, arrogant truth seeker to a courageous mother lion who protects her young at all costs. i remember it well. just throwing up a mirror. cheers!

    4. be clear, not saying you were a bad person just that there has been a very nice change. thats all.

  3. SGI ain't gonna be able to chant Fukushima away. SGI cannot chant away that japan has 10 % of all world earthquaqes. Sgi cannot chant away all the damaged nuclear power plants. Probably six total went up with the 311 9.0 eq. Northeastern Japan is the most radionuclide contaminated places on earth now. One more nuc explosion or meltdown will kill everyone in 3 years. The fascist Abe govt is forcing people to move back to the Fukushima evacuation area. They want to force athletes to participate in the 2020 Olympics and breath massive radioactive particles. IT is amazing how messed-up Japan is. Sending evacuees back to an evacuation zone, far worse than Chernobyl's. The Ukrainians never considered or enacted such a genocidal, criminal act. The hard-core con of trying to stage part of the Olympics by Fukushima is an egregious-travesty and crime as well. Fukushima is by far the most heavily contaminated areas of radionuclide's ever.

    1. Thanks to the Lotus Sutra and the authentic teachings of Nichiren, Japan's sufferings will turn to delight.

  4. : Chernobyl reactor contained about 80 metric tons of enriched uranium and multiple other poisonous radionuclides . Almost half of it was spread across eastern Europe. Fukushima Daiichis 3 exploded reactors released Several hundred tons of radionuclides directly into the air, ground and Pacific Ocean. 300 tons a day of radioactive water pouring into the pacific.

  5. D'un renard Evacuation orders will be lifted shortly for four more municipalities in Fukushima Prefecture, but the prospect of residents returning to their old homes in huge numbers seems unlikely. The restrictions, in place since the immediate aftermath of the Fukushima nuclear disaster in March 2011, will be lifted by April 1. About 32,000 residents will be affected, but there is no guarantee that all will soon, if ever, return. [ 283 more words ]

  6. Magnitude 5.6 earthquake by Fukushima long lasting

    1. thanks anonymous1 for the updates. i call yip anonymous1 because we have a few anon. cheers !

    2. Thanks, Greg-- I appreciate being reminded about the transformative process I have experienced while participating here on Eagle Peak-- :-)


  7. Anonymous1 ray. This is the mother of all Fukushima videos grab and mark. Thanks for your support. All of us know people from Japan. I chant for everyone in Japan daily. I chant that Abe will not force evacuees back to Fukushima. I chants that there will be no Olympic events at Fukushima. I chant that no more nuclear reactors I'll be reopened in Japan. I chant that Japan and the world will get serious about doing something in Fukushima.

    Fukushima call 6 years ago. Now the media is opening. This has never gone away. Perhaps the most sobering video on the internet today.

  8. Replies
    1. got you anonymous1 - nichiren encourages that we chant for our families, nation/world. please chant for america as well as it is under seize by demonic forces, much like japan. i will chant for japan as well. cheers!
