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Monday, March 13, 2017

"I'm done"

"Hi folks, After 33 years with the SGI, I'm done. Not sure if I will chant anymore. I haven't for several weeks. The final moment came for me when chanting at the home of a couple of "senior leaders." It was my first visit to their home. In their altar room, next to the altar was a curio cabinet containing their various SGI awards. Although I have always felt the SGI was tinged with cultishness, it was only in that moment that I realized the depth of it, and that I could no longer continue in the org. There's more to it than that. I'm not angry with myself for staying so long. I'm not sad to leave people I have considered close friends. I feel free in a way I haven't felt since, ironically, I started the practice in 1983. I appreciate reading the experiences of others who have left as I worked to de-indoctrinate myself. -- Jude"


  1. I was in SGI for 15 years, started in 1992, and could no longer stand it. I explored other paths, and chanted alone, back and forth. I have gotten back to chanting again now. But with SGI the only local group to me, I am forced to be independent. I do like the NST though.

  2. I am also a Temple member and we have so many SGI members both here and abroad finally returning to Nichiren Shoshu True Buddhism. I think its great and look forward to more encounters with them.

    1. hello to both tim and william. feel free to study the teachings of nichiren who made his appearance in japan on behalf of the original buddha shakyamuni of the lotus sutra. nichiren is teacher for the latter day(mappo). i too spent many years with sgi/nsa and with the so called nichiren shoshu. if either of you would like to know more about my experience....lets talk.

      both of you should know that there are no sects in japan of in the united states that truly follow nichiren. in fact, not only do they not follow nichiren(the votary), they actually commit great slander toward shakyamuni buddha and his emissary for the latter day. namu myoho renge kyo is not magic words they are the essence of the lotus sutra, the buddhas highest and final teaching for the ills of modern man. we are not looking of people to follow us....but instead, listen and follow nichiren. to chant while disregarding what the buddha and nichiren taught is a great mistake. buddhism is faith, practice and study...all three are ONE correct mind/practice. sgi and nichiren shoshu only want you to study their spin on buddhism...neither of them are correct and if you truly read will see this for yourself. study here and feel free to ask any questions of comments. good luck!

  3. " I feel free in a way I haven't felt since, ironically, I started the practice in 1983. I appreciate reading the experiences of others who have left as I worked to de-indoctrinate myself. -- Jude"

    Congratulations, Jude! In short order you will discover the reason SGI/NST continues to compete for patrons; they want to obscure the truth that their doctrines are the same; that their "organizations" are heretical in exactly the same way-- different packaging for the same stinking product!!

    Both SGI and their perverse parent , NST, abandon Shakyamuni Buddha and discard the Lotus Sutra. The main corpus for their heretical views are the same forgeries --. SGI pres Daisicko Ikeda even tried to copyright the truncated daimoku devised by NST. Only NST/SGI propagate "Nam" a nonexistent term in Nichiren's writings and discard "Namu" which Nichiren established as the prefix, meaning "To devote one's life" , affixed to Myoho-renge-kyo-- the title of Shakyamuni's highest teaching, the Lotus Sutra. Understanding the true daimoku is a very important first step , and chanting Namu-myoho-renge-kyo is fundamental to opening your eyes to the truth of the scams SGI/NST have been running-- all along.

    The freedom to research, study and explore Nichiren's actual teachings is inherent in ALL of us-- Beware of those who have indoctrinated millions with the notion that you need to "pay for" a high priest or a mentor to translate Nichiren's teachings for you !! On the most fundamental level, NST/SGI degrades the Buddha nature we all possess -- for their personal gain and profit!! Compare the "biggest" present day so-called Nichrien sects to Nichiren and his original followers-- not a single similarity exists-- and that, my friend is a major RED FLAG !!

    I am celebrating my first year anniversary- reading and participating here on Eagle Peak-- where the true teachings have been shared and are archived since 2012-- . "Open your eyes" !! no further indoctrination necessary !!


    1. excellent, hopefully the slanderer dirham/kurokowa will read this. then once again he can express his heart of slander. ugly indeed!

    2. greg romeroMarch 19, 2017 at 5:20 PM
      dirham...coming here whining about that your life is shit and it is not going well is a waste of time. whining and crying all the time is just an embarrassment to the cult called nichiren shoshu. your daimoku and our daimoku will not help you in the least due to your slanderous heart. however, here is the good thing....according to the buddha, because of your poison drum relationship with real buddhism, sometime in future lives you will follow us. congratulation!

    3. And we are glad to know you too Katie.

  4. Well Greg, the Gosho says that it is a disgrace to be praised by a fool, so I will take your disparaging remark as a compliment. You need more Daimoku for your life condition.

    reply from an sgi/ikedism slander.

    1. reply back to a slandeder of the law :
      evans , who are u trying to kid? fuck u stupid. i know what the sgi comatose do. u and leigh and the rest of the cult members cherry pick a sentence from what nichiren said and use it in an ad homimin way to support your blindness and slander from what the original buddha and his emissary really taught. if u real knew the nichings according to what nichiren lived and taught. u would know that he would recommend a beheading for u , ikeda and for your poisons friend leigh. what the sgi does and teaches is a joke it is not even close to what nichiren lived and taught. question for does nichirens life fit with ikedas life, and the predictions of the the buddha who taught the lotus sutra(myoho renge kyo)? what does it say about what a true votary of this sutra will endure? does it say he will have enormous wealth and a very comfortable life or does it say something else? to chant a truncated daimoku that nichiren brought, and at the same time turn your back on what he lived and taught is only hatred and deep slander. don't kid yourself u, ikeda, kennicott and the rest are headed for the unremitting hell. there is no actual proof in the sgi/nst. - all the same, and yet bitter enemies.ha ha , there another stupid joke. time to wake up and repent. study what nichiren actually taught and correct your faith. in your quote...nichiren is talking about ikeda, u and leigh and the entire sgi/nst. so i am glad u don't like what i have to say. nichiren is my teacher as it should be. what u put your faith in is ikeda and the sgi. slander. come to eagle peak blog and u can learn what nichiren actually taught. we can debate anything u want with the teachings. there are no sgi/nst that know the real teachings. otherwise, kiss my ass. too bad japan is not doing too well and ikeda has not been seen in public for 6 years. the cause for trump in this country is the slander by sgi/nst. japan is being punished and so is the u s a. correct your faith immediately evan and kennicott. wake up folks !
      or evans sr. - u can be a coward and die a coward. anyone who knows the teachings, knows that ikedaism is not buddhism. u and kennicott are idots. nice try though.
      evans...i speak to u harshly because i know u have no faith or understanding of real buddhism. the way i know this is because if u did.....u could not remained t[with the poison sgi. same for the other fools.

      a couple of computer misspelled words...sorry. if he relies, i will post.

    2. continued rely to a sgi slanderer: the newer disparaging chapter over...the sgis spin on this, like everything else is incorrect. question: if one will pervert the one essential phrase...what else will they pervert. answer : everything ! this chapter is not about respecting human slander of the law...all buddhism teaches respect for life, except when it involves major slander. nichiren did not teach anyone to respect people who's slander is egregious. this chapter teaches the poison drum relationship. nichiren related to fukyo in his efforts to spread the law. due to fukyo's shakubuku , he repaid his slander from the past and was able to change his karma and attain buddhahood, so did nichiren. and in later lifetimes the people who slandered fukyo...later followed him. it will be the same for nichiren. the gak the real message because they practice interfaith and they have money/political agendas. tell leigh and them to eat shit and u should leave immediately. consider yourself warned. kennicott and ikeda are poison. cheers !
      the gak disregards the real message...

    3. correction: the gak avoids the real message of this chapter because....

    4. con't...Are you happy?
      as a rule charles i am happy. the state of the world/country, and the fact that real buddhism that is the medicine for the ills faced by modern man(the latter day concerns me and leaves me a little sad. quite frankly, striving to be a votary of the L S and following in the footsteps of nichiren, is a little lonely. as predicted in the L S, there will be very few who can and will strive to uphold what the original taught. so, like with nichiren one suffers a certain amount of abuse. like nichiren, the votary is protected from others as well as illness

    5. con't....
      the votary is protected. because i strive to protect the L S i can experience the joy of the law. real buddhism has been hijacked and is perverse. all people want to belong to something bigger than themselves. this why cults are popular. even people who join the army, which is based on killing other people, have fond experiences, almost like the glory of high school days. in the end it is bad karma and leads to making bad causes. the sgi/nst is like this. we can talk more and that is fine. still u should go to eagle peak it. u can study the real teachings of the buddhas emissary, nichiren. this subject is no joke so one should take it seriously. i don't ask anyone to follow me. not at all, but i strongly admonish that u follow nichiren to the letter. thanks for asking charles. i am not a scholar but i have a big history with myoho renge kyo. i know the teachings well. cheers.

  5. its astounding that none of the sgi and shoshit can discuss the buddhist teachings. if they had any sense left they would clearly see that their minds have been hijacked along with their religion. stupid comes to mind.

  6. I was with NST for 12 years. They are also a cult. Congrats! don't forget our spiritual awareness came before words, chanting, etc. May you enjoy the road past the edge. I fear nothing once again. The lotus Sutra is a sword. Use it when needed. It was not supposed to be a religion. Peace be with you all! Ignore the fundamentalist Buddhists who can prove nothing and they never will. I promise we are now awake.
