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Sunday, March 5, 2017

SGI True Believer Model

"To some extent there is a bit of complicity on the part of the leaders. Most have been practicing for a long time, and in that course of time they have become "indoctrinated" into the way of thinking of SGI. Take the money handling issue for example, to a very senior member the level of trust of the higher-ups is so great that they may actually become insulted when questioned about what NSA/SGI does with the money. They truly believe it is being funneled into building community centers, colleges, etc. That is what makes things so shady because the very people you would look to as watchdogs of your interests are fully bought-into the dogma. I have sat at planning meetings in which a member's concern is repeated by a district or chapter leader and the hombu folks merely shot glances of bemusement or eye-winks at one another and moved onto the next topic. I guess they felt they were acting in "enlightened self-interest" at those times. 

To some extent I agree with Anticult. The "True Believer" model is the most efficient and to some extent mitigates the question of leadership motivations since for the most part, there is the assumption that bad behavior never elevates itself to the level of the higher leadership involvement. 

The True Believer model means that if a member questions ANYTHING about how SGI is run, leaders question your faith in Buddhism. "Why did we lose our community center?", "Why do we have to have women's division meetings in February?", "What happens to the money I donated?" and "Why can't SGI's finances be independently audited?" are taken as "I don't really believe in this Buddhism." The questions DON'T mean that a person doesn't believe in Buddhism...they are totally SEPARATE from the doctrines of Buddhism. The senior leadership has just chosen to cut off all debate by saying that apples are really oranges. I know members who call this "the wall," as in you might as well be talking to the wall. 

It would be like a Catholic saying "I think Father Joe is using the collection money to buy whiskey!" -- and being told, "If you can say things like that, you obviously don't believe in Jesus Christ!" -- Tsukimoto


  1. greg romeroMarch 5, 2017 at 10:43 AM
    sgi/nst = a cheap smile on the face that injects poison into the veins of its senseless children while they frolic and play.

    a fundamental error of the sgi/nst is that they conveniently separate the one essential phrase, myoho renge kyo from the conclusion of the preparatory teachings and the final truth of the original buddha, the lotus sutra. even though nichiren clearly teaches that to chant the one essential phrase is equal to chanting and believing in the entire sutra and which in essence is the completion of an entire teaching.

    its odd indeed that the sgi/nst flock cannot formulate the most relevant question which is, what does ikeda's experience/lifestyle and the organizations agenda have to do with nichirens words and even more so, his experience here in the saha world?

    if there is anyone from the sgi/nst reading this, or any other groups, the above is the question they should be asking if they are seekers of truth. namu myoho renge kyo is not, never has been the magic words. it is a complete teaching for the ills of modern mankind.

    one thing we have learned from ikeda and trump is that having too much money and incorrect influence will make one mentally ill. this goes for all their high priced liars as well! cheers!


  2. Wow this is so interesting. I'm a SGI member but I study the dharma everyday by a Dharmha Master in Taiwan. She is not SGI. I do this to understand the sutra. I have passed on Buddhist teachings but in my heart I wanted nothing g in return except for their happiness.I'm confused because I want to be sure I'm practicing correctly. Please help..

  3. hello anonymous 5, i call u that because we have a number of people who post here under the name anonymous. here at eagle peak we try our best to uphold the original buddhas highest teaching - the lotus sutra(myoho renge kyo) our teacher for the latter day(mappo) is nichiren.

    there is much here that is what the buddha and nichiren actually taught. in the lotus sutra the buddha predicts that in the latter day there will be only a few who can and will uphold the king of sutra's. we are they. if you have any questions...please feel free to ask. know that all of us have a big history with the sgi/nst as well as the shu. none of the sects follow nichiren and they all slander myoho renge kyo. caution..if you ask any of the so called sects about us they will say untrue things to discourage you from seeking real buddhism and attaining your buddhahood. we want nothing from you, we just wish to share the real teachings of buddhism. good luck.

  4. Seriously study the Lotus Sutra and the writings of Nichiren. The keyword is SERIOUSLY... and you will know.

  5. most of the sgi/nst have no good fortune . this truth prevents them from contemplating the real teachings. karma !
