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Sunday, September 17, 2017

Apparently, I am a nutcase for asserting that Daisaku Ikeda is abandoned by the Buddhist gods

"When Pres. Ikeda comes here, he stays in a hotel, not in a Holiday Inn -- It would have to be a place with a little more security -- he has to be protected from nutcases such as yourself." -- SGI leader

Like Shakyamuni Buddha in India who, despite his many enemies, was known as The Buddha of Absolute Freedom? Like Nichiren Daishonin on Sado Island, in Kamakura, and on mount Minobu, who was opposed by the entire Japanese nation composed of tens of thousands of ruthless samurai? Were Shakyamuni Buddha and Nichiren surrounded by armed bodyguards, dozens of special STK, dozens more Sokahans, and crowd watchers while also requiring the security forces of the 5 star hotels? Ikeda needs all these security forces because he has been abandoned by the Buddhist gods. Unlike Shakyamuni Buddha and Nichiren Daishonin, Ikeda can not move freely through the Threefold World. Shakyamuni and Nichiren had the sun, moon, stars, and a handful of adherents to protect them.

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