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Sunday, October 22, 2017

Nichiren on false doctrines destroying the nation

"The false doctrines propagated by the three Great Teachers are in general disseminated from three places: To-ji, Soji-in on Mount Hiei, and Onjo-ji. If measures are not taken to prohibit the activities of these three temples, then without a doubt the nation will be destroyed and its people will fall into the evil paths. Although I generally discerned the nature of the situation and informed the ruler, no one has ventured to make the slightest use of my advice. How pitiable! (On The Four Stages of Faith and Five Stages of Practice)

Today it is the false doctrines propagated by the "three Great Teachers disseminated from Taisekei, Shinanomachi, and Minobu that will destroy the nation [of Japan].


  1. SGI has been Christianized due to many Christians coming in to make a whole mess, their mindsets not changed after conversion to Nichiren's Buddhism!! Though same like us chanting, but they think Gohonzon, Buddha, Daishonin and President Ikeda as Gods to worship! Now they don't worship Buddha Shakyamuni and Nichiren Daishonin although their names written in the Gohonzon, but worship President Ikeda as like any other Gods!! It has became not a Buddhism but a Christianity, thus it's right to call SGI as a cult!!

  2. I would argue that medieval Tendai was "christianized"-- a populist trend begun by the Jesuits who were quite successful in creating dependency amongst "believers" a lavish lifestyle for themselves!

    SGI/NST are the bastard children of kanto Tendai-- they have defined the "daimoku" as a primordial source , an entity that is superior to Shakyaumuni and the Lotus Sutra. Thus their 'kanji" is not grounded in the Lotus Sutra-- and they only pay lip service to Nichiren to establish their legitimacy.

    A 10 year old can spot the error-- No BUDDHA-- NO Buddhism!


  3. in essence....nichiren shoshu or the sgi do not care about the buddhas dharma. many years ago buddhism became a businesss for money and power. hence they could not follow the ordained teacher for the latter day, nichiren. "do not mix this myoho renge kyo with anything else".

    the same thing in america and europe.....easy to practice and easy to understand ...a few japanese words mixed with christian fairytales.

    shameful and "to be praised by a fool is a disgrace."

    avarice, anger and stupidity are rampant in the modern day and the medicine has been mixed with poison. chant namu myoho renge kyo and follow nichiren to the letter as best u can.

  4. Agreed-- The 'feel good" self indulgent doctrines of the SGI/NST are no less dangerous and life threatening than our current "Opioid addiction crisis"--in fact, I would contend that this is another grand scale example of the damage of the poison drugs being "sold" to unwitting people who join SGI/NST.

    What strikes me as a resounding similarity between opioid addiction and the SGI's "teachings" is an utter absence of the ability to self reflect and determine right from wrong. This site has published countless examples of the disparity between the SGI propaganda line as a "Buddhist organization" and the criminal nature of their behavior across the spectrum of laws based on the U.S.Constitution.

    All efforts to dismantle the SGI are praise worthy as are the efforts to propagate the True teachings of Nichiren-- BOTH are the very foundation of Eagle Peak. Though few are brave enough to post comments here, I am confident that readers are benefitting from this site where the Truth is far more important than personal comfort and the "high" produced by swallowing the poison doctrines of the SGI.


    1. one can say all the nice , catchy sayings one finds on the net/facebook and in ignorant cults such as sgi but it still stinks and is getting stinker. i am ashamed of my country and my dictator. i pray daily for the nation, new, the world!
