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Sunday, November 19, 2017

Those were the days.

I know how hard it is to maintain faith in the SGI in the information age. Wasn't it easy before we knew the truth about the SGI, when everything was filtered through our leaders and any doubts we had were quickly quashed by a leader telling us we lacked faith?


  1. Never underestimate the effects from "drinking poison"--

    When the Buddha spoke of "wrong headed-ness" and " children gone mad", he was describing what I myself experienced just affiliating with SGI-- with my own personal reservations. There is no protection from the negative effects of associating with slanderers; no way to "safely" practice within the SGI and not be complicit with slander. I speak from experience-- even appreciation for the agonizing ordeals I endured to free myself from the effects of SGI's poison.


  2. I'm still dealing with the untoward effects of having dealt with those slanderers.

    1. My gratitude for establishing correct faith and practice is profound. Finding Eagle Peak and connecting with genuine followers of Nichiren was my antidote - though I really shouldn’t claim to be “over it”-
      I have faith that my karmic retribution is lessened -
      Maybe just understanding why the SGI affiliation was so bizarre helps .
      As you point out in myriad ways - always referencing the true teachings - it is s fearsome thing to slander the Lotus Sutra .


  3. Life was definitely easier in the SGI because practicing as the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren teach is infinitely more difficult. However, obtaining pure and perfect Enlightenment, it is easily worth the minor difficulties compared to the fantastic benefit.
