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Wednesday, January 17, 2018

How to know what Nichiren actually taught

The Nichiren Shoshu/SGI doctrine of Nichiren as True, Eternal, and Original Buddha, is ornate rhetoric and meaningless talk. The moment Nichiren revealed the Three Great Secret Laws, nothing remained hidden in the depths, either in the Lotus Sutra nor in the teachings of Nichiren. Faith or lack of faith in the teachings of Nichiren is the issue. 

Accurately following the teachings is different than originalism or seeking out what the Daishonin had in mind, the interpretation of others, or hearsay. Nichiren was a scriptural Buddhist. What Nichiren actually wrote is that which should be believed and embraced. It is not easy to cull what the Daishonin actually wrote because there are many forgeries in his name. But it is not impossible, as proven by the efforts of various scholars and scholar-priests. By utilizing their methods, we can come to know the truth of the teachings. One method is textual parsimony. What this means is that the writings are weighted. Those actually found in Nichiren's hand are weighted more heavily. Those considered more profound by the majority of priests and scholars, for example, the Five Major Works, are weighted more heavily. Those principles found in the majority of the authenticated works too, are weighted more heavily. The principles in the unauthenticated works are accepted or rejected in light of the Five Major Works and in light of the entire body of authenticated works. Utilizing this method, one can forge strong faith and therefore understanding [because fundamentally, Nichiren's teachings are consistent and not contradictory].


  1. Namu Myoho Renge Kyo;
    I did read the book of Martin Bradley(the essential of the teaching of Nichiren Daishonin)is full of Nichiren Shosho teaching and SGI. very sad. with respect Seb.

  2. Regarding Nichiren as a scriptural Buddhist, I just came upon an interesting bit of background for this assertion, I her article, "Review "Article- Biographical Studies of Nichiren", J. Stone discuses three biographical works, the following quote is from this one :

    TAKAGI Yutaka ¢… Ì. Nichiren: Sono kõdõ to shisõ Õ¥—du‘{o„`
    [Nichiren: His actions and thought]. Nihonjin no kõdõ to shisõ Õû^
    u‘{o„` 4. Tokyo: Hyõronsha, 1970. 280 pp., including bibliography,
    chronology, and index.

    "Nichiren’s low social status would also have presented
    an obstacle on Mt. Hiei, where aristocratic factions dominated
    the higher ranks of the clergy. Isolated and thrown back on his own
    resources, he might well have turned on his own to the sutras and
    commentaries, taking advantage of Hiei’s extensive libraries. Though
    Nichiren would eventually trace his Dharma lineage from Š„kyamuni
    through Zhiyi J* (538–597) and Saichõ è˜ (767-822), he never did
    form a close personal relationship with any living person whom he
    revered throughout life as his teacher, as Dõgen did Ruzhing Øþ or
    Shinran did Hõnen. It was during his early years on Hiei, Takagi suggests,
    that Nichiren developed his lifelong habit of turning to texts,
    rather than human teachers, for instruction and the resolution of
    doubts, an approach that he later equated with the Nirv„«a Sðtra’s
    admonition to “rely on the Dharma and not upon persons.” "

    As I read this, I couldn't help recalling how I developed and sustained my faith by relying exclusively on Nichiren's writings and the Lotus Sutra. My predicament starts as a "new member" who taxed the leaders mercilessly with questions--that the leaders brushed off saying I was "not able to grasp the profound teachings"--Then, I became a disruption because I continued to question based on my study of Nichiren's writings. Finally I was just expelled for "questioning the leadership", which they claimed "interfered with their ability to do kosen rufu"! Point being, I was never in the "inner circle " of the self professed SGI "sages".

    Like Nichiren, I have deepened my faith through exclusive focus on scripture and gained immeasurable benefit from " “rely(ing) on the Dharma and not upon persons.”

    "The Nichiren Shoshu/SGI doctrine of Nichiren as True, Eternal, and Original Buddha, is ornate rhetoric and meaningless talk." ...becomes obvious with study of "non-sectarian" scholarly writings. Nichiren did not consider himself equal to T'ien-t'ai in wisdom , nor did Nichiren call himself a Great Master or Sage-- but in my view he joins T'ien-t'ai , or rather must be added to the list go Great Masters/Sages whose teachings were hijacked by licentious Tendai priests!

    Now is the time to sort out the great slander of Nichiren's teachings.


  3. There will always appear those who take the scriptures as teachers.

  4. nichiren teaches....(paraphrased), there are two main reasons people make mistakes in their buddhist practice...1. they are ignorant of the real teachings, and 2. they follow a bad leader.

    all the sects are guilty of the above...thw worst being the practice of master and despicable.
