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Monday, January 15, 2018

The SGI teachings have spread to every corner of Jambudvipa

However, Nichiren promises:

"If you will truly give consideration to the troubles I have been describing and put entire faith in these words of mine, then the winds will blow gently, the waves will be calm, and in no time at all we will enjoy bountiful harvests." -- On Establishing the Correct Teaching for the Peace of the Land

Thus proving that SGI fails to put their entire faith in the words (teachings) of Nichiren because the winds are hardly blowing gently, the waves are more destructive than ever and few are enjoying bountiful harvests.


  1. Buddhism is like the body, and society like the shadow. When the body bends, so does the shadow.
    Therefore, Soka Gakkai calling themselves the champion of world wide Kosen Rufu and inheriting the Daishonin's spirit is a fake.
