"In this day and age, no one can attain Buddhahood without participating in SGI activities." -- Soka Gakkai President Daisaku Ikeda World Tribune, Dec. 1992
"As long as one is a Nichiren Shoshu priest or lay believer, he or she should absolutely be obedient to the high priest. Those priests and lay believers who, instead of following him, go against him or attack him, are no longer considered practitioners of Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism. Despite countless slanderous words or malicious plots, we consistently have protected the head temple and followed the High Priest, for we believe doing so is truly correct faith." -- Daisaku Ikeda 1987
"As long as one is a Nichiren Shoshu priest or lay believer, he or she should absolutely be obedient to the high priest. Those priests and lay believers who, instead of following him, go against him or attack him, are no longer considered practitioners of Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism. Despite countless slanderous words or malicious plots, we consistently have protected the head temple and followed the High Priest, for we believe doing so is truly correct faith." -- Daisaku Ikeda 1987
It's SGIKEDA politics plain and simple. In 1992 it became necessary for SGI to establish itself as a "new" religion-- Thus, the flip flopping began, SGI will claim it's legitimacy as being a matter of strict adherence to Nichiren's teachings and names Ikeda as the "leader/expert"-- but basically in order to secure tax exempt status and proliferate their own wealth, SGI borrowed the Shoshu "elitest" doctrine and continued propagating kanto Tendai teachings--
yep !