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Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Can you believe it?

Daisaku Ikeda talks "Creator" with a capital "C"...

D.I. Such efforts of Ukrainian church truly deserve admiration and respect. Its dedication to humanist ideas makes positive impact on societal well-being in general. And I would like to bow low to Ukrainians for their wisdom and tolerance.

M.R. [me]: He should have told his Ukrainian counterpart that it is precisely because of Ukraine's false religions that their country is destined for destruction. He should have stated in no uncertain terms that unless every last person in Ukraine chants Namu myoho renge kyo, there will never be peace and security in Ukraine. 

D.I. SGI statutes proclaims that owing to Buddhism tolerant spirit SGI members will respect other religions and search for an open dialogue and cooperation with them in order to discuss and solve essential problems of humankind.

It goes without saying that each religion has its own system of beliefs. But when it concerns human life and its defense, there should be no misunderstanding between different religions. I hope such an approach will prevail in the minds of religious leaders.

Each world religion was born due to huge Creator's philanthropy. It appeared not in the name of religion but for a human. Creator didn't have intention to use a human being for religious purposes. We should always remember this. That's why I am confident that all religions can cooperate among them for human sake.


  1. I worked in a Ukrainian clinic in America, for Ukrainian Refugees, for 5 years. The Ukraine is a dead place, dominated by Neonazi squadrons, roaming the countryside, and murdering innocent people.
    It is a radioactive hellhole, with several old decrepit nuclear reactors, on the verge of blowing up. In fact President Trump is negotiating sending thousands of tons of Nuclear waste there.

    Pets, like dogs and cats, left in the surrounding areas of chernobyl, and as far north as Belarus, only live for a couple of years. 
    A few million have left ukraine since chernobyl.

    Fukushima blew-up on March 15,2011. The plume went right through the pacific northwest. Two of the assistants, that worked in the clinic, where we worked, got pregnant the autumn of 2010. They were in their mid twenties. They were chernobyl refugees. They had miscarriages in the summer of 2011. Many Ukrainian refugees, were brought to america by christian organizations but, they really are not very religious.
    Fully half their kids born here, or there, at the time of chernobyl have health problems or birth defects related to chernobyl.
    Belarus was smothered with cesium 137 at the time of the chernobyl explosion. 80  percent of the children born in belarus, in the past 20 years, have the biomarkers for Cesium 137 genotoxicity or direct heart abnormalities from the cesium ejected into belarus, from chernobyl.
    Most toxicologists know that 30 billionths of a gram of iodine 131 will destroy your thyroid gland. That is because it just gloms onto it and frys it.

    If your heart is exposed to Cesium 137, at 45 billionths of a gram, you will die. It will attach itself to perkenje tissue in your heart and kill you, because pottasium rich tissue accumulates it.

    100 billionths of a gram of stronium 90 will just instantly fry your bone marrow, and you will die a horrible death a few days later from shock and, not having an immune response. 10 millionths of a gram of plutonium will cause lung cancer in a few months, as demonstrated by dr busby at los alamos. A few millionas of a gram of plutonium in iron rich tissue like the spleen, and liver or even the pancreas will lead to organ failure or, cancer if the body survives the initial assault.
    Stupid, nucleoapes insist on using geiger counter readings and external exposure models of exposure to radionuclides as measures of their toxicity. It is pure propaganda.

    Radionuclide toxicology provides explicit metrics for the tsunami of nulear murder in our world now, at the advent of the 6th great extinction event.

    The fukushima event on 3/11/2011 caused three reactors to exlode and a fuel pool to expole and catch fire. It was a thousand times worse than chernobyl, in terms of radionuclides released.

    There are much higher concentrations of radionuclides, spread troughout a 150 mile radius in japan, than there are in the 50 mile evacuation zone of chernobyl, where people are not allowed to live.

    Lichen concentrates cesium 137. Wild pigs and deer eat lichen.  5 lbs of radioacive cesium 137, evenly dispered throughout the state of New Jersy, from a nuclear reactor fuel fire or explosion, will render the area  uninhabitable. 5 lbs of radioactive cesium is a lot, but it could happen.

    It would kill and disable most people in 15 years. Most woul flee before then hopefully. There is enough radioactive lichen left, that has absorbed residual cesium 137 from the soil, in Germany from chernobyl, that the wild pigs are rendered inedible with radioactivity from lichen consumption. Same for reindeer in scandanavia.
    The geiger readings for Cesium in lichen there are 100cpm. This is a recent geiger lichen reading in Japan by Tokyo. It is over 500 which is about a thousand bq/kg

    This is a picture of a geiger in Japan, recording rads from bioccumulated lichen. Very high reading. I could not cope with living there. I have seen what it can do, and is doing.

    1. As long as SGI, Nichiren Shu, and Nichiren Shoshu remains stagnant or declines, the earth will heal and calamities will diminish.

    2. i am glad to see this post. the devil of the sixth heaven is here. iy is no longer over there. fine to call out the sick sgi/nst/shu as fake slanderous buddhists, but it is the effects of the slander that needs to have a light shinned on it and explained what the cause is and what is the medicine.

      as fake buddhists are too complacent , so are the american people too complacent and everybody's safety and security is at risk. the world is in terrible jeopardy.

