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Saturday, March 3, 2018

FNCC participants

I have a suggestion. The next time you go to the FNCC, write down your question about the SGI faith and practice, the Lotus Sutra, and the writings of Nichiren Daishonin. By the time you finish writing down your questions, you might have more than a thousand questions. Certainly, you will have many dozens of questions. Then, seek out the answers as if your life depended on it [which it does]. Write down the answers. See how many of the questions are answered and how many are answered to your satisfaction. Let us know.


  1. Now, this is more like it Mark - your request/appeal just may materialize, because, it has sincerity and is void of sarcasm.

  2. and, I will e-mail this to a dear friend who is a strong practitioner.

  3. Kevin O'Neil was a 7th degree black belt in Kempo Karate, an African American member, and he had a Master's degree in Asian philosophy. He was also a very strong District Leader. One day, he took SGI up on their exhortation to ask as many questions as you like. He gave Mr. Kasahara a notebook with 3000 questions. After several months and not receiving a single answer to even one question, he confronted Mr. Kasahara. Mr Kasahara excommunicated him.
