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Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Nichiren on the ability to correctly ascribe blame

Although the web of karmic causality is quite complex, one characteristic of awakening is the ability to know the way of the world and to see reality as it is. For example, Nichiren teaches, "And that will in no way be her fault [if she talks bad about her husband], but solely the result of his own reprehensible behavior.” Being able to correctly ascribe blame is part of knowing the world and being able to see things as they really are.


  1. I have set into motion a request from two of my Prep-school room mates (New Hampton School), now powerful Alumni from Brandeis University, to have their Philosophy Dept. invite both Strauss and Saperstein to explain the Holocaust from a Buddhist perspective. In the book Constantine's Sword, the explanation of why the word Holocaust is now rejected by the Jews in lieu of the word Shoah - which means, simply, catastrophe.....inexplicable, just catastrophe. The word Holocaust means "burning sacrifice".....which the Jews object and reject, because they question, what kind of God would ask this of his people? I will be in the back of the room waiting as the Devil's advocate for the proper time to ask "are you saying that these 6 million Jews made causes in previous lifetimes to suffer such an event?" ....we will never stop trying to de-mystify the Law.....this is a tough one Mark, want to give it a shot?.....unlike Strauss and Saperstein, who must answer the question delicately, please feel free to tell it like it is.

  2. The purpose of life is to learn empathy and compassion. All life is precious. When one steps on an anthill, accidentally, many ants die. The ants will be reborn. Sometimes living things die. No karma. Perhaps to teach others. If we kill this planet there are an infinite number of other worlds we can be reborn into.

    1. Yes Anonymous, we have been told that when conditions appear to support life, it will, matter where. Bill Maher has been exhorting us Earthlings to better care for our planet and Not to think we can just take the shuttle to Mars. And, not that time would matter one iota when in the state of Ku, but, even if trans-migration (is that the right word?)was as fast as the speed of sound, what are we talking here?.....Mark, help!.....tell us something profound!

  3. There are no precepts in Mappo, least of all for laymen (in Mappo). However, the Buddha will not find himself in positione to even unintentionally kill an ant, thanks to having practiced the karmas for a long time. Similarly his disciples. Agreed that there are many Saha lands where we will encounter the Great Pure Law.

  4. i have always like the concept of karma. why? because it means that there is true justice. not someones's opinion(judgment) or set of silly rule. religions in general fall way short in their explanations of life.

    real buddhism teaches that there are laws, and they cut both ways(double edge sword). renge is the law of cause and effect. myoho is the law of life and death. if people only understood that what they do...sometime in the future their actions will in some form return to them, just that would change almost everyones behavior.

    i have had many discussions with christians etc...i end up telling them that the idea that everything is gods will is not acceptable. would u want that job? no-one would want that job. "today, little johnny gets born with no legs"...................................karma !
