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Sunday, May 27, 2018

A sad situation

...Trump selling US arms of $350,000,000,000.00 over ten years to the Saudis. Apparently, all is forgotten about 911, the 2,996 people killed, the more than 6,000 wounded, Osama Bin Laden, and the 15 Saudi 911 hijackers. The sycophant Trump took a bow before the Saudi king. The root cause of radical Islamic fundamentalism is the Saudi Wahabi clerics. We have sold our soul to the devil. A sad situation.


  1. good point however, if they had bombed the shit out of our country and invaded and destroyed life as they knew it.... we would be beheading and feeling very righteous about it. question ...who takes whatever they want at any cost in any part of the world and claims superiority? i could go on but the point is that if anyone is the is us. u still think 9/11 was done by someone other than us? yeah...two airplanes turn massive amounts of concrete and huge steel beams into dust in mid-air. impossible. when two and two stop making four...someone is lying. one can look at any major event since ww ll... vietnam, kennedys, and one will find that two and two stopped making four a long time ago. any religion is worthless if it won't open peoples eyes. no disagreement that islam is a shit religion. however it is a small devil compared to the not so good ol USA. U DON'T THINK THAT IF IKEDA AND THE SGI/BUDDHIST WORLD WAS SPEAKING TRUTH TO POWER there would be no hostile reaction. no, they have joined them. nichiren lived...fuck u, cut my heard off.

    there is great money to be made so trump blows the saudis. u r right about that.

  2. nevertheless....eagle peak is the only place that has remain steadfast and true to the lotus sutra. unbelievable and truly fantastic! = budddhahood.
