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Sunday, July 22, 2018

Nichiren's comprehensive teachings on Shakyamuni Buddha of the Juryo chapter

Please pass these along.


  1. This must have gotten your attention Mark on SGIwhistleblowers: "In consideration of Heresy" posted 2 days ago by u/jesuittrained: Comment by Fickyfack, 1 day ago: I once suggested that we read the Lotus Sutra out loud for an entire meeting. No interpretation by Sensei, no mention of Sensei - just us reading, listening, and taking notes. Then the next meeting, WE'D discuss this Sutra. (Our own thoughts, feelings, beliefs?!) Needless to say, this idea went nowhere. God help us if we had our own thoughts and didn't want to be spoon fed.....Comment: by peace-realist: This was so true in SGI-UK. Leaders used to justify their resentment against Lotus Sutra meetings by saying we are in modern times. So at the end, we used to study the "Bogus Sutra".

  2. Karma. No seeking spirit for the teachings other than the Human Revolution, teaching that it is the Lotus Sutra and/or Gosho of the common age, yet they chant Namu Myoho renge kyo, Namu Lotus Sutra and two chapters of the 28 Chapter Lotus Sutra. I always wanted to know what I was chanting. They have no seeking spirit.

  3. The irony which struck me about the two commentators in the above Anonymous was 1) that in spite of scholarly neglect, these two, on their own, concluded the importance of the Lotus Sutra, and further 2) expressed their desire to learn more about Buddhism on a web-site that disparages Nichiren Buddhism and reduces the power of the Daimoku to a simple "pheromone high." So, to those wishing to learn how to practice as Nichiren, this site is ground-zero.

  4. This was censored on Dharma whhel

  5. I know not what you mean by "censored on Dharma wheel"....what was censored, and who does the censoring and why?

  6. The moderators do the censoring. It was censored for my criticism of the Soka Gakkai. The Three posts above were removed.
