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Friday, August 31, 2018


The Gakkai's media watchdog is JWatch, a large group of young SGI Japanese lawyers who watch the media and attempt to steer journalists/writers "in the right direction". They do not mention that they are affiliated with the SGI. They also "watch" subversive groups such as the Nichiren Shoshu. Nichiren Shu, Kempon Hokke, and Independents. Their stated aim is to right the wrongs of the media regarding articles that promote discrimination against AIDS patients and homosexuals, those condoning child and spousal abuse, ultranationalism/fascism, anti religious freedom, and last but not least, articles critical of the SGI. Their true and ultimate mission is to garner sympathy for and stifling criticism of the SGI. They would be better off spending their time reforming the draconian and authoritarian SGI.

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