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Thursday, August 30, 2018

The Soka Gakkai ruined my family

"I'll tell you my experience: 

I would like to expose my indirect experience with the Soka Gakkai, in the sense that I did not practice but my wife practiced and, in fact, the Soka Gakkai has ruined my family. I'll try to be brief. 

THE fact goes back about 10 years ago and I tell it to make sure that people who read this story make good use of it. 

I live near Civitanova Marche in the province of Macerata and about 10 years ago I was married and we had a 9 year old girl. 

It was a time when my wife had lost her job and we all know how work is important for every person. She then left 2 evenings a week for what she called a "special time"and then I found out she was going to SGI meetings . 

After a while she began chanting in Chinese at home before some sort of altar alongside a photo of Ikeda (terrible this thing). 

Personally, the chanting gave me a strange feeling and I rejected it. I asked her to pray in the room with the door closed because it was bothering me and maybe also our daughter. 

Then I told him that I had no intention to pray with her ​​and I asked her politely not least of performing in front of our daughter. The girl, unfortunately, was intrigued by this practice that perhaps she seemed a kind of game and she began chanting with her ​​mother. 

After a month the girl began chanting even in her sleep. She wasn't sleeping well and began to lose focus in school. 

I asked my wife if she could possibly pray quietly and without our daughter. She said, asserting that she was already taking precautions and that she was told by her leader to recite at least 2 or 3 times a day for 30 minutes because they would find work and would bring harmony and happiness within the family. 

She did not understand that it was the SGI practice that was the ruin of our family !!!!!! 

I now was in the family with the only aim to get close to my daughter in order to help her overcome herb sleep disorder and poor school performance due to the drama caused by her mother.

Given my wife's constant recitation every night, I thought of separating and simultaneously to seek custody of my daughter on the grounds that her mother was neglecting her, chanting for one hour and a half a day and going to meetings. 

Well I made ​​this request, got the social worker who has appraised of thge the situation at home which my wife confirmed. I managed to get joint custody (which is almost impossible 9 years ago ) so that my daughter could stay with me every other week. I was happy 'cause in those weeks that she was with me, the little girl resumed the serenity and you could see from the look in the eyes !!! 

She is now an adult and thankfully did not follow the practice of the mother who remained, unfortunately, exclusively with SGI friends SGI. I write this to let you know that if a member of the family becomes a member of the Soka Gakkai, it is the ruin of the family unless you both practice together. This was my reality as it 'was for other people in my area in Porto Potenza: Broken families because one member of the family 'became Soka Gakkai."

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