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Sunday, August 26, 2018

Who is the Never Disparaging Bodhisattva?

"I am a member of Soka Gakkai and I am writing to you after reading your article ... it is disconcerting for me to determine the amount of crap that is collected on your page "

"... I suggest you delete all the crap you write against the Soka Gakkai, otherwise I'll do it for you."

"... All you do is attack. For a true Buddhist it is a shame but since YOU'RE NOT a true Buddhist, I understand why you act that way.... "

"I have nothing to add except that I shall undertake to fully investigate the purpose of your website and whether it violates articles of the Italian constitution"

Actual SGI slanders towards me...

"He is a misogynist", 'He seethes with hatred," "You are a hater", "foaming-at-the- mouth, exclusivist, seemingly hate-filled", "You are a serious hatemonger and it is shameful that you would ever consider yourself a "buddhist.", "I'm not sure if he is a hater." "I will respond to hate-speech, the posting of burning Gohonzons. the generalizations, racism, and distortions by Mark Rogow.", "You are embittered and hate filled", "You are a hateful Buddhist.", "If you need a straight male priest to tell you what to do, that's fine, be ok with it and end the slander of that which you hate (in your own heart). There is no corruption outside of you, only in your heart.", "What a sad life condition", "This isn't "free speech", "moderators, this is hate speech." , "You are filled with hate.". "The most dangerous thing to a bigot is to know the object of his hate and fear.", "With your ever present hate, you slander the good SGI members", "Your hate rants are tiresome", "You are a racist", "You are a fascist", "asshole", "jackass", "You really suck you ungrateful pig", "You are still a lying sack of shit", "your holier than though, self serving BS", "Bullshit, this is a place for Mark Rogow to slander people", "brain dead", "slandering idiot", "KEMPON HOKKE IS NOTHING BUT A PILE OF S--T AND ALL YOU F--KING PIGS ARE JUST S--T EATERS, GO F--K YOUR GOD DAMNED MOTHERS STUPID F--KING BITCHES THEY ALL ARE!* *LEAVE YOU TO YOUR DEVICES? F--K YOU ASSHOLES. i’LL KICK THE F--KING S--T OUT OF YOU. GO F--K YOUR DEVICE JUST LIKE YOU F--K YOUR MOTHER! PIECES OF F--KING S--T!*, "He calls for violence against the SGI", "bitter", psychotic", " He must be "drinking", "smoking","cowardly", "ignorant", "doing drugs", "scumbag cu-t filled with s--t", "s--t stinking", "The f--king assholes in Kempon Hokke can not be described, how evil they are is beyond words. I hope to meet some of you some day. I will make you sorry you were ever born.", "fool", "foolish", "deluded", "devil", "evil", "hateful lying prick", "counterfeit Buddhist", "conceited", "egotistical", "xenophobic", "pathetic fascist, asshole", "perpetrator of medicare fraud", "offensive", "no knowledge", "no wisdom", "lacking faith", "nutty", "f--king moron", "Bodhisattva F--kyou."

1 comment:

  1. wonderful...all honorific titles mark. it is clear to see in light of the teachings , who is practicing correct and who is not. congratulations.
