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Friday, September 28, 2018

Nichiren's view of Nichiren

"My words (which have been predicted concerning conviction of Honge Jogyo) may sound very boastful, but they were intended for the sake of helping the realization of Buddha's prophecy.... At any rate, who shall be qualified to be Honge Jogyo other than Nichiren, myself? The moon rises in the west and shines in the east, the sun rises in the east and shines in the west. Buddhism, too, is just like this. It came from the west to the east during the two thousand years of the Right and Fanciful Laws, but in the days of the Latter Law, Buddhism is for the sake of salvation from East to West....According to Buddha's prophecy and considering all circumstances, now, Nichiren's age corresponds with the beginning of the Fifth Five Hundred Year Period. The True Buddhism shall go to the world from the Far East, Japan" (Nichiren's Works: Shinshio-Bunko & Ryogonkaku editions, Vol I., p. 476).

"Already the great Bodhisattva out of the earth has appeared, so that the great Law which the Buddha entrusted to him [summing up the salient points of His Laws], shall be evidence" (Nichiren's Works: Shinshio-Bunko & Ryogonkaku editions, Vol I., p. 325). 

"I, Nichiren, am the greatest practitioner of the Hokekyo in the world" (Nichiren's Works: Shinshio-Bunko & Ryogonkaku editions, Vol I., p. 119). 

"I, Nichiren, am the greatest sage in the world" (Nichiren's Works: Shinshio-Bunko & Ryogonkaku editions, Vol I., p. 513). 

"In the beginning of the Fifth Five Hundred Period the Bodhisattva Honge Jogyo appeared and propagated this Law for the first time" (Nichiren's Works: Shinshio-Bunko & Ryogonkaku editions, Vol I., p. 508).

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