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Thursday, September 6, 2018

Soren, SGI Senior Leader, praises SGI interfaith

Soren, SGI Senior Leader says: 

"Recognizing that other faiths exist and that adherents of other faiths not only possess in full measure the same fundamental humanity as followers of Nichiren Daishonin, but have valuable contributions to make towards a peaceful and healthy world, has been characterized by some of this ng's more clueless individuals as a move (on the part of  SGI) to create a catch-all 'humanist' psuedo-Buddhist religion which masquerades as Nichiren Buddhism."

Nichiren says:

*BACKROUND: The Kenchoji Temple, A Rinzai Zen temple in Kamakura, was founded by Tokiyori Hojo, with the Chinese Zen monk, Doryu, as it's first abbot.

KENCHOJI DORYU NI ATAURU SHO: A Letter to Doryu of the Kenchoji Temple

Buddhist Temples stand in a row, and Buddhist doctrines are discussed in every house today in this country. Buddhism prospers in Japan more than in India or China, and the manners and behavior of Buddhist monks are like those of arhats who have mastered the six divine powers. However, these monks are as ignorant as birds and beasts. They do not know which sutra is superior in doctrine among thes utras preached by Sakyamuni Buddha during His lifetime. Discarding Sakyamuni Buddha, who is our master, teacher, and parent in this world, these monks seek refuge in Buddhas and bodhisattvas of other worlds. How can you say that they are not against their own teacher?

Therefore, I say: "Pure Land Buddhism is a way leading to the Hell of Incessant Suffering; Zen Buddhism is the act of heavenly devils, who hinder the Buddhist way; True Words (Shingon) Buddhism is an evil teaching leading to destruction of our nation; and Discipline (Ritsu) Buddhism is a false teaching by traitors." 

Contemplating on this, I, Nichiren, wrote a treatise in the first year of the Bunno Era (1260) or thereabout, entitling it Rissho ankoku-ron, and submitted it to the late Lord Saimyoji, Shogunal Regent Tokiyori Hojo, through Lay Priest Yadoya. The gist of the writing is that because the people in the country put faith in such evil teachings as Pure Land, True Words, Zen, and Discipline, calamities and disasters continue to plague this land, which will eventually be attacked by foreign troops. This is what I predicted in my Rissho ankoku-ron.

As a matter of fact, a letter of state arrived from the Mongol Empire on the eighteenth of this past first month just as I had predicted. Is this because devotional services performed by various temples lost the power to invoke divine protection? Or, is it because false teachings spread over this land?

Everybody in Kamakura, military rulers, as well as the ruled, looks up to Abbot Doryu of the Kenchoji Temple as if he were a Buddha, and reveres Abbot Ryokan of the Gokurakuji Temple as if he were an arhat. Besides, head monks of such temples as Jufukuji, Jokomyoji, Chorakuji, and Daibutsuden are highly respected.

In my opinion, however, they are self-conceited, evil monks who believe themselves to have understood the true intent of the Buddha while actually they have not. How can these monks chastise great Mongol troops by means of prayer? Besides, all the people in Japan, rulers and subjects, will be captured by the Mongols. Thus they will destroy their country in their present life, and will fall into the Hell of Incessant Suffering in a future life. You will surely regret it if you don't listen to me now.

To this effect, I have written to such persons as the Lord of Kamakura, the Lay Priest Yadoya, and Saemon-no-jo Taira, so you should get together for consultation.I, Nichiren, do not speak for selfish purposes. I speak only what is said in sutras and discourses. I cannot write in detail in a letter, but I expect to meet you in a public discussion. One finds it difficult to write what one wants to say, and to say what one has in mind.

Respectfully yours,
11th of the 10th month in the 5th year of the BunÆei Era (1268)

To Abbot Doryu of the Kenchoji Temple

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