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Friday, September 7, 2018

The major transgression of the Nichiren Shu by Katie Higgins

"The major transgression of Nichiren Shu; to keep silent and let “other Nichiren schools do as they will” is very grave; the many actions they have taken to preserve the purity of Nichiren’s teachings cannot possibly save them from their blatant complicity with slander for disregarding Nichiren’s clear teachings and life example of shakubuku-refuting the heretical teachings of corrupt schools. 

I think Nichiren Shu offers a prime example of the inherent slanderous nature of a sect, school, or sangha in this evil age. How could these priests and mentors (in the case if the GAKKAI) hope to attract and retain followers IF their teachers /priests / leaders were undergoing the persecution, hardship and suffering that is actual proof of upholding the Law Saint Nichiren taught /lived? Which of today’s priestly class declaring themselves followers of Nichiren would themselves have maintained faith as Nichiren was led from near execution to certain death exile to Sado? None of the priests and SGI top leaders today look like they are willing to give up their comfy lifestyles -do they ? 

I do appreciate the teachings shared in this post , but I am saddened by the admission by Nichiren Shu to abdicate their duty and dismiss their debt of gratitude to the Eternal Buddha and Nichiren for their having encountered the Lotus Sutra and the practice for this evil age. ~Katie

1 comment:

  1. nichiren shu....not really buddhism...christianity ! hijacked at that !
