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Thursday, October 4, 2018

Can you believe what Daisaku Ikeda used to teach?

"In this sect (Nichiren Shoshu), the Living Essence, Uninterrupted Light of the Law has been bestowed like the transferal of the water of the Law from one vessel to another upon each specifically chosen High Priest in the lineage until the present day. To the last, the True Buddha is Nichiren Daishonin, and **we must revere the inner enlightenment of the High Priests, which is only bestowed on and between High Priests, in the same way that we revere the Daishonin." -- Daisaku Ikeda, May 3, 1979

" ... the 'Treasure of the Priest' refers to the High Priests in the line of Nikko Shonin, who are the only ones who have received the transmission of the Living Essence of the Law until the present day.  Furthermore, all of the Priests are the disciples of the High Priest.  They are the House of the Law. Consequently, no matter what the circumstances may be, we must hold the Priests in a place of importance." -- Daisaku Ikeda, February 28, 1978

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