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Sunday, November 25, 2018

"My sister is a shell of a person with no interests, hobbies, or activities outside of Soka Gakkai"

"SGI is not Buddhism any more, if it ever was"

"I'm sure you'll get good answers here, but as the sister of someone who has been a member since her suicide attempt in 1967 (SGI is opportunistic and pursues anyone going through a vulnerable period, as you indicated you were), I suggest you get out while the getting is good. SGI is not Buddhism any more, if it ever was: It's a cult. My sister is a shell of a person with no interests, hobbies, or activities outside chanting and meetings. She never married, though I realize some members do, and is looking at a boring old age, esp. once she can no longer drive to meetings, meetings, meetings.

You are wise to look before you leap." -- Person on Reddit


  1. very profound. sgi never was real buddhism....nsa had a higher %, which became more deluded down with time. there is no way to seriously study the lotus sutra and nichirens teaching and come to the ridiculous conclusion that sgi/nst promotes as buddhism. so the world is as it is.
  2. No Buddha-- No Buddhism !

    I will long remember how I was admonished and *silenced* for saying over and over-- "I cannot find the Gosho where Nichiren says HE is the Original Buddha-- or that he carved that huge wooden Gohonzon that is the main attraction at the *Head Temple*"

    I think it boils down as simply as that for SGIkeda and Nikkenstein's Freak Show--.

    And yes, I agree-- the world is a reflection of the distorted, corrupt *body* of slanderers - SGI/NST/Shu.



    1. even the vague quotes that both the sgi/nst use as their justification for their ridiculous conclusions about the lotus sutra(buddha/gohonzon) are absurd......even for a child.

      religion in the latter day......keep them stupid, what up ikeda?
    2. what makes sense of it all, is simply that if, in the latter day, it was any different, the buddha and his emissary, nichiren would be great liars.

      this what people should hold on to. cheers.
    3. "this is what people should hold on to".
  3. we need to go back to our beloved Nichiren,gosho, and the lotus ritual, no bull Ch.
    with respect Sebastian.


    1. yes,,,,,,,and hopefully, accurate translations. however, even with faulty translations of the sgi/nst, one can still eek out what nichiren and the eternal buddha really taught.

      holla sebastian. cheers.
  4. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha !

    once again fool, study the teachings....find us a quote from nichiren where he specifically talks about he as the true budda and his die gohonzon. can't be done stupid. the shoshu is the laughing stock of buddhism. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, you and the shoshu better worry about japan and this divided states of america.

    enough of your nonsense.
  5. dirham , how come you can't speak of the teaching as taught by the emissary for the latter age, nichiren? how come? its because your mind has been poisoned by the evil teaching of the nichiren shoshu, and because , as nichiren taught, it is because you are kept ignorant of the teachings and you follow a bad leader. refute me with nichiren's or the eternal buddha as your source. can't do it? why not?
  6. dirham, here is the prescription for you:

    :The present epidemics are like the virulent boils of King Ajatashatru that could not be cured by anyone but the Buddha. They can only be eliminated by the Lotus Sutra. - The Two Kinds of Illness

    so here is what you do....stop listening to your poisonous priests who don't know or care what the lotus sutra or nichiren taught. sit upright and chant namu myoho renge kyo , a lot. even with the lousy translations of the sgi/nst , you should study deeply and you will conclude that what you have been taught, and believe, is not true. from here, finally, you will begin to develop some real faith and real understanding.

    your priest have a cushy job and an easy life. they can't believe of practice the lotus sutra as did nichiren. you are welcome.
  7. >>"I will discuss Teachings with you when you go back to Soka Gakkai and participate in SGI USA meetings again like a devoted dog. Hahahahaahaha bring your statues too, they mix religions now. Buy 1 get 2 SGI Gongyo book for FREE. Hahahahahaah NO Tozan for the entire lot of you, OUTCASTS<<"

    It must be painful for Dirham to accept that SGI *trumped* NST in the "make up your own religion category"-- but--take heart, poor Dirham, you personally hold the title for the most diligent proponent for leaving SGI and NST-- because in all other ways you are exactly the same *brand* of heretical, traitorous deplorables!



    1. Aside from announcing the wonderful news that "we" are banned from the epic-center of slander of the Lotus Sutra, dirham-bone's comments themselves are slander--Should he be helped NOT to make these causes?

    2. reply to katie , this is a important question i have asked myself for years. i think the best answer is that its individual and there is no absolute right or wrong answer.

      nichiren encouraged, remonstrate three times then a sage should depart.(poisonous company). for me this seems correct because after three times, the poison-drum relationship has been established in most cases. in dirbones case he will not/can not discuss the teachings and shows no interest in the buddhas real teachings. truthfully, he lacks capacity. his only concern is to disrupt/destroy any healthy discussion. this is true of most sgi/nst. it seems, at a certain point, there is no point. is more merciful to banish one? good question. not 100% sure, but i leaning towards.....yes it is. at a certain point, cancer needs to be cut out.

      of course this is just my opinion and i would encourage others do do as they see fit. however, the issue is never gonna go away.
  8. Win-win !! ??

    He shows only contempt for the teachings and those who uphold them--

    I agree, Greg, your point certainly does accord with reason.


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