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Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Remonstration of Shamon Tsuchiya Kempon Hokke priest by Graham Lamont and Nikke Jerry Marcheso

"When are you people going to send me the official excommunication documents? or are you too lazy to do that too? you all destroy the memory of Nikkyo and his disciple Nikke with your persistent shoju cowardice. and how about this: " Dear Ms. Kirshner, I apologize for not answering your e-mail last year but I did not know who you are and, despite my request not to give out my e-mail address, he not only gave it to you, whom I do not know, but to another person, whom I knew from past experience to be totally untrustworthy. Your reference to Eliot House likewise made me slightly suspicious. For these reasons I remained silemt. The truth is that I have not trusted Tsuchiya-san for years now; he is a shoju priest ("Let us make friends for the Kempon Hokke."). Apparently, the priests of Myomanji are good for nothings who were largely opposed to overseas propagation. They are not only shoju priests but even less willing to spread the Dharma than the degenerate Nichirenshu, which has overseas missions (though even in that case there were ulterior motives: the Nichirenshu apparently gets tax breaks for these overseas establishments; propagation is not their real goal!) (When I speak of the Nichirenshu, I am speaking of the ordinary priests, not the scholars of its official college Rissho University, most of whom are excellent scholars. Since I first wrote to Rev. Kubota in 1993 asking him to introduce the Kempon Hokke (Jumonryu) here, I have for the most part been treated with contempt, used for Japanese underhand purposes: e.g., Rev. Kubota, as it turns out, was jealous of his friend Senchu Murano, translator of the Lotus Sutra, because Murano, completely fluent in English, had ordained a foreigner; unknown to me, Kubota planned to ordain me and make a real show of it. It was just to keep up with Murano and, as I learned, Myomanji never would have recognized it, had I gone through with it. I should have quit long ago but kept hoping things would work out. Both Kubota and Tsuchiya, however, always favored the toadies who "converted" from the Soka Gakkai; all they wanted was numbers of recruits who changed their Soka Gakkai magic scrolls (mandala) for the ones issued by the Kempon Hokke here (NOT the Kempon Hokke Shu). Many of these recruits were not real converts but still attended Gakkai meetings! It made no difference to these priests. They are typical modern Japanese: they care about nominal loyalty to the organization (the limited social nexus) not truth; I, a foreigner, am more like old Jumonryu who cared about Truth (Dharma) and sacrificed themselves for it, defying Japanese society and the shogunate. Let me put it this way: which organization one belongs to means little, though one should avoid organizations teaching wrong doctrines; as long as a person believes and practices the right doctrine, one will attain the Buddha Way. So the important thing is whether people sincerely and fervently believe in the True Dharma, not whether one simply signs up for the Kempon Hokke. Likewise getting a mandala (to these people, a magic scroll that gives people stuff) is not the main purpose of Nichiren Shonin's religion; Nichiren Shonin actually mentions the Hokekyo and Lord Shakya more often than the Mandala and the mandala was bestowed not on beginners but on the most reliable disciples. The current "Kempon Hokke" practice simply parallels the Soka Gakkai practice. I have tried to get Tsuchiya to delete my writings from the website because I do not want my scholarship used by these people that control what is essentially a mirror image of the Soka Gakkai with little regard for Lord Shakya. (You may remember that I criticized the failure of the group to observe the birthday of Lord Shakya which was very important to Nichiren Shonin and was met with contempt by some idiot who did not even know who I am; he brought no real argument against my criticism.) Now Tsuchiya refuses to acknowledge my e-mails. In any case, the "Kempon Hokke" is now scarcely worth considering and I, who brought this sect to America (through Rev. Kubota) around 1993, do not want my name and work exploited by a bunch of disgruntled Soka Gakai followers who still actually think like the Soka Gakkai. (You and one other person are the only people who seem to want to actually study and practice Nichiren Shonin's doctrine). I do not intend to join any other sect; they're all pretty degenerate. The Jumonryu used to be a sect of honesty and self-sacrifice for the True Dharma; I thought the spirit of the old martyrs, as described in Rev. Kubota's "Nichiju to sono deshi" still survived but obviously its gone, probably forever. I urge you to stand by Nichiren Shonin's faith but I really cannot recommend the Kempon Hokke Sect of today. I do not know what will happen; I'm not even completely sure that my e-mails have reached Tsuchiya, though they have not bounced. Frankly I think the whole thing has gone to hell in a handbasket. In any case I wish you well. Gassho. Namu Myoho renge kyo! H. G. Lamont" 

"Why dont you take down his work as he asked you to long ago. Too lazy to make your own docs? Pathetic shoju losers the lot of you. Nichiju would be sickened by it, as is Nichiren. we here in the U.S. will continue the legacy of Nichiju and the jumonryu. We dont need you for anything as we have kyogan shojo (Transmission Through the Scrolls of  the Sutra). gassho"
日恵" [Nikke, Jerry Marcheso]

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