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Thursday, January 3, 2019

According to Soka Gakkai, Daisaku Ikeda possess the Three Virtues of Parent, Teacher and Sovereign

Extracts from the Daibyakurenge, the organ magazine of  the SGI 

Virtue of Lord [Sovereign] 

"It is only Mr. Ikeda who is endowed with the virtue of Lord who protects all of Japan and the entire world at this present time."

Virtue of Teacher

"Our Mr. Ikeda is the only one who is endowed with the virtue of Teacher."

Virtue of Parent

"It is Mr. Ikeda who prays for our happiness, all the members of the SGI,. Therefore, he is endowed with the virtue of Parent."

Therefore, Daisaku Ikeda possesses The Three Virtues of Parent, Teacher, and Sovereign according to the SGI organ magazine.

According to Nichiren Daishonin Shakyamuni Buddha possesses the Three Virtues of Parent, Teacher, and Sovereign of the entire world and Nichiren of Japan. 

Nichiren states this about Shakyamuni Buddha almost five dozen times and there is even a Gosho entitled, Sovereign, Teacher, and Parent which makes the matter perfectly clear. The Lotus Sutra likewise teaches that Shakyamuni Buddha is Lord, Teacher, and father of the world. If you want to develop the same faith as Nichiren, the same courage, and the same life condition, you must leave the Soka Gakkai and return to the Lotus Sutra and Gosho.

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