SKT and LKK must be very touched by your support when many of his close associates have deserted him.
It is very obvious four of you do not care at all about Sensei’s repeated message, i.e. urging all of us to rally around GD and WD Chief for Malaysia kosen-rufu.
Don’t you know SKT and LKK were sacked due to their meeting with NBA and Nichiren Shu priests? As SGM national leaders and kaikan staff why did you meet up with traitors who collaborated with anti-gakkai groups?
It’s in the best interest of NBA’s Sympathisers and SKT’s Staunch Supporters to LEAVE VOLUNTARILY and IMMEDIATELY, be it he or she is an existing KAIKAN STAFF or currently assuming LEADERSHIP POSITION in the Gakkai.
At the early stage of Johor Incident in 2015, SGM leadership was supposed to meet up with a few RJ2 (Rescue Johor 2) representatives at Bunka Kaikan for a dialogue in order to resolve the Johor Incident issues. However, SKT and HCT led a LARGE GROUP of RJ2 (Rescue Johor 2) rebellious leaders to Bunka Kaikan, in an apparent show of force and tried to corner Exco into agreeing to their demands. During that time, SCF, a kaikan staff and close associate of SKT, without prior approval and knowledge of the Exco, facilitated those rebellious leaders with all the necessary AV facilities at Kinekan, for them to present the unfounded malicious allegations to some KL leaders.
Have you ever wondered how could RJ2 obtain so many email addresses and telephone numbers of the leaders and members and use them to send all the evil emails and messages? Coincidentally, SCF was the main kaikan staff that was in charge of SGM household records at that time. He had the access to all contact information of the leaders and members of whole SGM.
Till today, it is known to many people that SCF still stays loyal to SKT.

“Only the worms that are born from the body of the lion itself will feed on the lion’s flesh. In the same way, Ananda, the Buddha’s teachings cannot be destroyed by outside forces. But the evil monks who exist within the body of my teachings — they are the ones who will destroy these teachings that the Buddha has laboured over and worked to establish for a period of three great asamkhya kalpas.”
Just to clarify, we are not messing with someone’s rice bowl or deprive that person of his means of income. But, helping the concerned kaikan staff to understand in the highest professional and ethical standards that it’s in his best interest to leave voluntarily.
Thus, giving him the option of finding another role, that’s a better fit for his skill and expertise, giving him the opportunity to be more successful or happier, and stop making conditions so miserable for himself and disruptive to others!
There could be no compromise for Gakkai to eternally fight against evils, and we will continue to uphold the struggle of rebuking the evil and devilish forces of NBA and their supporters, the traitors of Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism.
However, whoever the concerned kaikan staff and existing leaders who have made no secret of the fact that they continue the relentless “quiet” campaign and “hidden” support for NBA, SKT, LKK, HCT, WWL to fiercely attack GD, our Central Leadership and Gakkai by using slanders, lies and all kinds of dirty tactics and false accusations, they are betraying Gakkai.
Please know that those who do not despise hypocrisy are hypocrites themselves. Those who betray the Gakkai are betraying Nichiren Daishonin. Those who betray the Soka Gakkai are betraying all the efforts, sacrifices made by the past two presidents and the present President of SGI as a whole!
An indisputable conclusion is that NBA leaders, SKT, LKK, HCT, WWL and their supporters are deluded traitors and they are enemies of Buddha.
Evil act of NBA, SKT, LKK, HCT, WWL and their supporters will drive people to hell.
Nichiren Daishonin said the source of all unhappiness and misfortunes of people is Evil (Slander of the Law). As such, we must fight resolutely against NBA and their supporters’ erroneous views and falsehoods that cause people to suffer.
For all intents and purposes, this request is nothing personal because by keeping or continue to retain this insubordination behaviour of such kaikan staff, NBA and SKT’s sympathisers and supporters – it’s more like we’re living alongside with virus of evil thoughts and erroneous beliefs because we have no clue that some of our members or comrades may eventually get “infected”, thus disrupting and corrupting the very heart of our practice.
Strictly speaking, they owe everything they sow to responsible for everything they did.
It’s not unreasonable to suggest our Gakkai to immediately remove this problematic kaikan staff and those leaders who refuse to repent at all for their “sins” and “wrongdoings”, added with no slightest sense of remorseful apology but still continuously supporting and quietly conspiring with enemy to destroy the correct teaching as well as Gakkai towards misguiding people into suffering and misery.
Therefore, it should be perfectly clear that we are not nasty, neither we are cruel nor inhuman or lacking of compassion but we should not, we must not condone or tolerate wrongdoing or devilish forces in any form to continue or prolong, but are rather to condemn and rebuke it.
In all honesty and truthfulness, we’re again asking and reminding the concerned kaikan staff and those existing leader(s) who staunchly sympathise or continue to support NBA or SKT not to hide in your fake life, burying all the truth yet swimming in your own lies with evil intention to harm or disrupt the organisation and Kosen-rufu. Remember this, there is no room for you in Gakkai, please QUIT!
Sensei’s Guidance:
“Buddhist compassion entails fighting against traitors and ingrates. The Soka Gakkai is the most joyful and harmonious realm in the entire universe. We cannot permit devilish forces to destroy it. We must never let even one individual with evil intentions come anywhere near our noble organization!”
More goodies from the crumbling Gakkai:
ReplyDeleteAgreed with those honest comments from the pure doctrine of professional ethic and integrity!
Yes, it’s truly SHAMEFUL on SCF, it’s an indisputable fact that you are so unwelcomed yet cannot be trusted by many in SGM that you should eventually FIRE YOURSELF by QUITTING or moving to work and marry with evil empire headed by SKT and gang of nasty traitors!
Remember SCF, we know you have indeed rendered your very generous and exceptional solid support to SKT towards condemning, slandering and misleading members NOT / STOPPED to perform Gokuyo.
But SCF, why are you now pretentiously acting like Don’t Know (behaved like an idiot or thick skinned conman to mere “cari makan”) as you are drawing your monthly income from our Gokuyo!!!
If I were you, I would rather resign gracefully and not to be so thick skin and so unshamefully over-stay to betray your pride . Thus, becoming a laughing stock to many.
SCF, QUIT and be a man of principle, DO AS WHAT YOU PREACH!
More so, there is more the reason you should get out since you are not only unhappy with but also proven to be excessively confrontational against the current central leadership.
Betul betul MALU sama you lah……
They can't get along with themselves but claim they get along with everyone (except the Nichiren Shoshu)....
ReplyDeleteFrom same blog:
WWL, why so arrogant and misleading? It’s out of one’s mind and being so malice, deceit and arrogant in making a slanderous statement about the similarities between SGM and Nichiren Shoshu @ Nikken Sect!
STOP YOUR HABITUAL LYING AND EVIL SPEAKING like a fool-drunken-man who curse, slur or even lie through your teeth! How low, foolish, spiteful, deceitful can you be to run into it continually!
HAVE THE FEAR OF THE LAW OF CAUSE and EFFECT, and do really desire to have a CONSCIENCE VOID OF SLANDERS towards Nichiren Buddhism, towards our mentor in life, and towards our Gakkai.
For not feelings of shame and guilt of slanders yet vengefully driven by your evil heart, and my sincere advice to you, BE MINDFUL and BEWARE OF THE UNQUESTIONABLY RETRIBUTION YOU INCUR AT THE END OF YOUR LIFE.
Buddhism views ARROGANCE as a human tendency that hampers Buddhist Faith and Practice, and ultimately Blocks One’s Happiness and Enlightenment. It also can cause Distrust and Disunity among the community of Buddhist practitioners, slowing progress towards the ultimate goal of kosen-rufu—or peace and happiness for humankind.
Lying and labelling the Gakkai and its leaders as arrogant and authoritative, you and your gang of Traitors and Supporters have indeed sought to again abuse, confuse, repeatedly manipulate and usurp our members, and when you could not, you bunch of ungrateful Traitors and Ingrates conspired with the NBA and further collaborating with heretical sect of Nichiren Shu tried, attempted so hard but still failed to destroy the SGM.
From the standpoint of Buddhism, you, the writer/owner of the evil blog, Nichiren Shu, NBA and their Supporters who attempt to destroy Nichiren Buddhism and Gakkai – can be seen as an unavoidable devilish force to the spread of Buddhism, and only slanderously cling to wrong, erroneous and deviant doctrines.
Let me try to bring your conscious mind back to the body and take on normal memory again, SGM had been devoted Fully to Empowering Ordinary People to change their lives through the Daishonin’s teachings.
Soka Gakkai is an open organisation acknowledged by the United Nations as a non-governmental organization (NGO) working for peace, and also duly acknowledged by hundreds of world greatest leaders, icons, authorities, university professors, some Nobel Prize winners, many other respectable competent authorities throughout the world.
Soka Gakkai employ practice of Nichiren Buddhism with NO AUTHORITY on or over any individual, no authority of priesthood like Nichiren Shoshu @ Nikken Sect or your buddy associate @ Nichiren Shu, no superstitious beliefs and no authority yet never do anything to force, control, suppress and oppress whoever in the organization.
ReplyDeleteIn turn, SGM is fully committed to advocate and adopt policies and procedures to implement transparent and accountable governance in its financial management.
Your ill intent definition of “similarities” does not apply to Gakkai. Such evil definition of yours is insane, crazy, and senseless, unthinkably absurd and beyond reason!
In the practice of Buddhism in Gakkai – it is about bringing forth our innate potential to achieve what Buddha had achieved in his lifetime and we are living our lives according to Nichiren Daishonin teachings under the guidance of Ikeda Sensei.
Over my no less than 20 years of practice, I experienced absolutely no pressure, no fear, no force, no guilt, no one from SGM attempted to control or command me in any authoritative manner with no negativity, no use of any fear and scare tactic of whatsoever on the part of any Gakkai leaders towards me and my family.
Also, I have never ever witnessed any pressure, guilt, oppression, of strong-arm tactic or negativity from any SGI leaders towards others.
In Gakkai – in the most comprehensive sense; NO ONE, NO ATTEMPT of whatsoever kind of nature to deprive me and others the choice of freedom, liberty of thought, feeling of opinion and sentiment on all subjects or matters.
SGM never demand any money, never force me to come out for Gakkai activities and meetings and they never force me to do anything, including the Gokuyo!
SGM taught me that this practice will change my negative karma, my inner self and my entire family towards achieving indestructible happiness while moving forward while enjoying your own Human Revolution (“HV”). Have you not forgotten to observe your HV?
SGM also guided and enlightened me that I have Buddhahood in myself and I need to chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo to reveal and bring it out.
Here in SGM, I met a lot of very nice and wonderful people and senior in faith who have not only changed and transformed their lives through this practice but also guided me and always prayed and supported me in times of trouble. And, I am feeling so much indebted to them, SGM and our Sensei……DON’T YOU?
SGM will carry on with the conviction that to embrace the true faith means to continue to advance fearlessly, no matter what difficulties might confront us (including that of evil lies and malicious slurs from you and your gang), for the sake of Kosen-rufu basing strictly and entirely on the path of oneness of Mentor and Disciple, that is, in order to enable all people to realize True Happiness.
Yes, for the awareness of those ungrateful dissidents (just in case you and gang shall remained naive and unwary), on the auspicious day of 02/1/2018, i.e. our beloved Ikeda Sensei 90th Birthday, we proudly declared that we have achieved our pre-set goal of 10,000 Professor of Happiness, this is a heartfelt birthday gift expressing our VOW and GRATITUDE to our Ikeda Sensei! …….What is your gift to Sensei?
Needless to say, you bunch of ungrateful dissidents and traitors have done nothing but destructive conflict and disharmony, and persistently cause trouble, disruption and ultimately destroyed members’ faith! STOP to be blinded and overpowered by your delusion, and NEVER DESTROY SOMEONE’S LIFE WITH YOUR FABRICATED LIES and BIASED, ERRONEOUS VIEWS WHEN YOUR COULD BE DESTROYED BY THE TRUTH!