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Sunday, January 12, 2020

Soka Gakkai's greatest living scholar Koichi Miyata, is just plain wrong,15700023,15700186,15700190,15700256,15700259,15700262,15700265&usg=ALkJrhir0wvYI9Db5WcwE4TZ9aTtNqh-sA

"Restricting religion to the ideas of the founder may be historically meaningful, but given the role of religion in society and culture, later interpretations and additions are important." -- Kyochi Miyata

The Lotus Sutra teaches:

“The sutras I have preached number immeasurable thousands, ten thousands, millions. Among the sutras I have preached, now preach, and will preach, this Lotus Sutra is the most difficult to believe and the most difficult to understand." 

and Nichiren teaches:

"Suppose that one is building a great pagoda. In addition to the lumber to be used in the pagoda itself, one gathers together a large quantity of small timbers and uses them to build a scaffolding ten or twenty feet in height. After one has done this, one uses the original lumber to construct the pagoda. And when the pagoda is completed, one then removes the scaffolding and discards it, leaving the pagoda in place."


"Though the scaffolding is necessary to complete the pagoda, no one would ever dream of discarding the pagoda and worshiping the scaffolding." - Nichiren

Likewise, why, in the future, would anyone adorn, alter, or change the perfect pagoda as the SGI, Nichiren Shoshu, or Nichiren Shu? We, on the other hand, maintain the perfect pagoda for posterity.

"In the entire land of Jambudvīpa, there has never before been a hall or pagoda that produced the image of Shakyamuni Buddha of the “Life Span” chapter of the Lotus Sutra." -- Nichiren

Yet, the Soka Gakkai, instead of building pagodas that depict Shakyamuni Buddha of the "Lifespan" chapter of the Lotus Sutra, builds "Mentor Memorial Halls" throughout Japan, Singapore, and the entire world. These "later interpretations and additions" destroy the Sublime Law of the Lotus Flower Sutra.


  1. Does ANYONE believe this post is abusive? Since when is TRUTH abusive?

  2. I think I will leave this post up for a week. ENJOY! So many falsehoods are enjoyed. Now enjoy the truth of the Eagle Peak Blog, the truth of the Lotus Sutra and the truth of Nichiren Daishonin.

  3. This is the Modus Operandi of the Soka Gakkai since their inauspicious inception. Here is another example:

    SGI Senior Leader Appeals to the Authorities to Shut Me Down.

    Unable to defeat Nichiren Daishonin in debate, his enemies appealed to the authorities to have him banished, exiled, and put to death. Likewise, appealing to the authorities, unable to defeat me in debate nor capable of intelligently discussing the Lotus Sutra and teachings of Nichiren Daishonin, the cunning and cowardly SGI senior leader, Eric Toro of the Bronx, appeals to the authorities to shut me down. In fact, he succeeded in having the Kempon Hokke beliefnet forum locked:

    Etoro: Mark, it is very obvious that you are not well. What is worse is the fact that such an illness can even manifest from within the ranks of the followers of Nichiren. It just seems so twisted. Reality doesn't really work this way. Reality is governed by an abiding law and the true nature of things always comes to the surface eventually.

    The degree of confusion you offer the world is mind boggling. If we were to rely upon theoretical teachings alone we would have some serious problems explainaing away this degree of confusion you present. You literally twist things around on their head. Thank goodness there is also documentary and actual proof. But there is no excusing the fact that you are seriously slandering Nichiren's teaching and our spiritual movement by tiwisting around their true intentions for human happiness. And the fact that we have been successful at it makes your comments even all the more aggregious.

    You are confusing the Japanese social politics of the last 700 years with the teachings of true Buddhism.

    You should not be allowed to carry on the way you do. It appears that the moderators here are simply not doing a good job in letting such frothy and slathery slander go unchecked.

    I hope you are able to recover in this lifetime. But is definitely not going to be easy.

    Nam Myoho Renge Kyo.

    and on another occasion he writes,

    "I am beginning to ponder the reason why it is that the moderators allow "Always Despise" [Neverdespise] to continue to rant and slander the SGI organization (people who practice in the SGI) to the extent that he does. Isn't he violating a rule of conduct? This is insane." -- Eric Toro SGI senior leader

    Mark: The SGI is not the place to go to enter the deep recesses of the teachings of the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren Daishonin. These SGI leaders must think that Nichiren wrote those hundreds of letters and dozens of treatises just for his contemporaries. He was among the greatest prophets in the history of Buddhism. He knew that there would be those who would misunderstand his teachings and those who would bring misery to themselves and others. I was born in this land and at this time to point out the errors of the SGI and the Nichiren Shoshu. They have refused to debate and they refuse to enter into an actual proof challenge. They are cowardly individuals who appeal to the authorities to fight their battles for them.

  4. "The Sovereign Kings Sutra states, “Because evil people are respected and favored and good people are subjected to punishment, the stars and constellations, along with the winds and rains, all fail to move in their proper seasons.”

    Now who is meant by “evil people [who] are respected and favored” ? It is men such as I spoke of earlier (for example, Ryokan and Doryu). And who is meant by “good people [who] are subjected to punishment”? It is the one whom I mentioned above, who has “again and again been banished.” And the passage on the “stars and constellations” refers to the strange and portentous occurrences that have taken place in the skies and on the earth during the past twenty years or so." -- Reply to Hakiri Saburo

    Who is it that is respected and favored with more than three hundred honors and awards and who continuously and without respite encounter the Three Obstacles and Four Devils? Who are the good people subjected to punishment, day after day and month after month? Who has been banished again and again all over the virtual and real world [besides Nichiren Daishonin] because of our faith and forceful practice?
