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Saturday, February 29, 2020

How can changing Nichiren's Buddhism be "read in terms of Nichiren's Buddhism"?

Nichiren stated very clearly that "Shakyamuni Buddha resides in the hearts of those with sincere faith".

April 17 WT (1998), speech by Daisaku Ikeda delivered March 13, 1998:

“In contrast, this Gosho passage states that Shakyamuni Buddha resides in the hearts of those with sincere faith. Read in terms of Nichiren Daishonin’s Buddhism, “Shakyamuni’ here refers to the original Buddha, Nichiren Daishonin himself.” p. 12

SGI's doctrine of Nichiren said THAT but meant THIS ("in terms of Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism) is an evil doctrine. Beware when you see either. What Nichiren wrote is what he meant. It would put the Soka Gakkai leaders out of a job were they to take Nichiren at his word without changing his teachings. What Nichiren said IS Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism. How can changing Nichiren's Buddhism be "read in terms of Nichiren's Buddhism"?

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