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Thursday, March 12, 2020

As if coronavirus cares aout money

NY Fed vows to pump in $1.5 trillion to fight coronavirus-linked 'highly unusual disruptions' on Wall Street - CNN


  1. The US stock market has now wiped out the entire $11.5 trillion of value it gained since Trump's 2016 election victory » -- Some Financial Newspaper

  2. Better the administration does the right things. Giving the people information and testing, testing, testing. Too late nationwide containment. Mitigation is the key.

  3. I and my wife are in danger because we are immuno-compromised but as a doctor, I must confront the pandemic and protect my patients as best as I can.

  4. Similar to death from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (ie: emphysema). Not being able to breath is a terrible experience. I experienced it one time.
