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Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Why does this passage NOT refer to Soka Gakkai, Nichiren Shoshu, and Nichiren Shu members, leaders, and priests?

"Therefore, I entreat the people of this country: Do not look down upon my disciples! If you inquire into their past, you will find that they are great bodhisattvas who have given alms to Buddhas over a period of eight hundred thousand million kalpas, and who have carried out practices under Buddhas as numerous as the sands of the Hiranyavatī and Ganges rivers. And if we speak of the future, they will be endowed with the benefit of the fiftieth person, surpassing that of one who gave alms to innumerable living beings for a period of eighty years. They are like an infant emperor wrapped in swaddling clothes, or a great dragon who has just been born. Do not despise them! Do not look on them with contempt!"???

Because Soka Gakkai members and leaders are the disciples of Daisaku Ikeda, NOT Nichiren Daishonin. Because Nichiren Shoshu members and priests are disciples of the successive high priests, NOT Nichiren Daishonin. Because Nichiren Shu members and priests are disciples of Nissatsu and Nichiki Shonin, NOT Nichiren Daishonin.

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