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Tuesday, October 13, 2020

If you don't shed a tear at this experience at the horrible way this man and his son were treated by SGI, you have no heart (and short response)

"25 years ago i went to get my son for legal visitation. My imbecilic sgi cult ex wife called her group leader. The toad group leader, came over to my house and got right in the middle of something that was not his business. They screwed over my life, my son my career my business. just about everything i ever had. They just had no business messing w my son or me like that.

No reason to be involved .

SGI are just trash and brainwashed criminals .

i had a legal separation at he time this all happened. The house was all mine but i lost it later in the final divorce.

The legal separation stipulated, that i could see my son anytime. I could take him to play soccer. Take him to school etc. The house was still in my name my stuff was still in my house. i was simply at my house, taking my son to play soccer.

The chickenhead group leader Willy, came over that evening, in 1995. Willy started what was the beginning, of one of the worst nightmares imaginable.

My ex wife had been giving 500 dollars of my hard earned money to sgi for years.

The fat- rat bastard SGI group leader, i call Willy the the turd, grabbed my son. he said he was taking him to his house. My son was 5 at the time. my son was crying and sobbing. Willy turd was going to load him up and take him to his house. He was in my house to kidnap , my son.

Willy and his sgi buddies, had been. talking crap about me at sgi meeting. To my son.

My ex pig wife forced my son to go to SGI MEETINGS . He told me he did not like SGI .

i had started going to a nichiren temple outside of sgi, to chant at the time. i realized sgi was fake. They chanted for money and cars and worship THE pig devil ikeda.

I told the stupid evil sgi WILLY TO unhand my son. To get outta my house or i would get my gun and chase him out.

YOU pretty much know, THE rest of the.story.

Cops involved, lying by sgi bastards to get me in big trouble.

Sgi bastards testifying at the divorce because i told the bastard willy the pign to unhand my son and get out. He was on my property grabbing my son i had the legal right to get him out.

i did not get the gun. I did not really want to.

MY pig wife called other sgi devils. The police were summoned.They all confronted me in front of my sobbing little son who wanted his daddy he loved me so much..

MOSTLY MY PIG EX SGI WIFE mother HAS yelled at MY SON, his whole life. She has hit him and forced him to go to sgi meetings, he did not wanna go to. She forced him to go to schools he did not want to go to. she beat him when he did not get A's in school. SHE TESTIFIED IN THE DIVORCE WITH SCUM I WAS DANGEROUS BECAUSE I HAD TRIED TO CHASE THEM AWAY. I DID NOT GET VISITATION FOR 2 OR 3 YEARS WITH MY SON BECAUSE OF IT.

The evil cult sgi is far worse than other cults. I wish there was instant karma in this life for what they did to me and my son. Year of counseling for my son. My ex turned my son against me for a time. My son, hates sgis guts now. I cannot think of a more evil despicable greedy cult. 

A lot of people have no clue about sgi or the depths of their depravity. their greed. THE heavy handedness. The fascism criminality and grotesqueness."

Thanks for your experience. Many SGI member's Realm (life state) is Anger and Animality. Let's try to awaken them to the Lotus Sutra, Eternal Buddha (Nichiren Gohonzon), and Nichiren. How old is your son? Your love for him shines like the sun.

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