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Sunday, May 2, 2021

Dana Dunford at his best May 2, 2021


1 comment:

  1. I like dana and I hope he is well. and your family, including the wolves are too. Dr Mark

    Makes a good case for why Americans won't change and so many are seduced by nuclear insanity
    Fecalnomics is the study of poor decision-making. The concept of “fecalnomics” originated with a review I wrote of the book, Thinking: Fast and Slow, in which Nobel economist Daniel Kahneman shows how monkeys throwing feces are more accurate than human stock pickers over the long toss.

    Considering recent self-inflicted injuries such as the election of Donald J. Trump in the “United” States, the Brexit Referendum in the “United” Kingdom, and the “cooperation” among nations on climate change, this may be an opportune time to reflect on how and why humans make terrible decisions and what we can do to improve both our good-decision rate and our happiness with our decisions. Here, then, are Ten Basic Principles of Fecalnomics.
    Read the article to see the rest
