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Monday, June 21, 2021

Even more on the Four Powers

Soka Gakkai claiming only the Powers of Faith and Practice destroy the Lotus Sutra Buddhism of Nichiren. 

There is the power of self, the power of others (society), the power of the environment, and the power of the Law (the former three Powers derive from the the Three Realms of . They all derive from the power of the Law because the great power of self is the self that believes in Myoho renge kyo [the power of faith in the Mystic Law]. The great power of others is the power of Buddha to save all sentient beings. The great power of the environment is the Gohonzon, the manifest reality of the Law and the Buddha. Initially, not even faith nor practice is necessary thanks to the wonderful power of the Law and the Buddha. This is known as receiving the Daimoku. Buddhahood lies in keeping or recollecting the great power of the Law and the Buddha. The four powers of the Law, the Buddha, faith, and practice are at once independent and inextricably bound. Nichiren teaches:

“The ninth is called the perfection of benefits because Myoho-renge-kyo is endowed with the benefits of all practices, and possesses the superlative effectiveness of the three powers [the power of the Law, the power of the Buddha, and the power of faith]. [Hence the benefits are called Lotus.]"

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