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Saturday, June 26, 2021

Wikipedia is no better than the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) by Anonymous

Wikipedia (and IAEA) BS on Fukushima:

"While there has been ongoing controversy over the health effects of the disaster, a 2014 report by the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) [19] and World Health Organization projected no increase in miscarriages, stillbirths or physical and mental disorders in babies born after the accident.[20] Evacuation and sheltering to protect the public significantly reduced potential radiation exposures by a factor of 10, according to UNSCEAR.[21] An ongoing intensive cleanup program to both decontaminate affected areas and decommission the plant will take 30 to 40 years from the disaster, plant management estimated."[2

The reality:

1. There are massive increases in birth defects, miscarriages, cancer, wipeouts, heart disease, radionuclide dementia and heart disease in Japan. This is all lies.
2. It goes all the way to and past Tokyo
3. I would not go to Tokyo w the amounts of cesium 137 and plutonium in the environment there
4. They continue to be nuclear .
5. Fukushima will not be cleaned up in thirty or forty years it will never be cleanup many have perished trying
6. It is not level 7 it is a level 10 . The worst st possible
7. Almost a trillion dollar spent. An ongoing process.
8. Hundreds of thousands of refugees. Many still displaced
9. Whole species wiped out in the fukushima area especially insects
10. Dogs left in the evacuation area lived to be 2 to 4 years old
11. Ongoing catastrophic wildfires annually and perennially in and around to the Fukushima evacuation area which is large
12. Very few of the tepco executives have been held accountable
And much more
13 Japanese continue to incinerate nuclear waste from the Fukushima area all over Japan reirradiating the whole

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