Nichiren Writes:
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Thursday, August 26, 2021
All teachings are contained within the daimoku (Myoho renge kyo)
Wednesday, August 11, 2021
Did you know? There are two Jesus' in Japan.
Spring ALWAYS turns to winter...
for my Great Pyrenees. Those who chant Namu Myoho renge kyo and study Nichiren's writings know what I mean.
Another of the hundred reasons, SGI is BS Buddhism
Monday, August 9, 2021
EXTRA EXTRA The newest studies (July, 21st) show that Ivermectin is extraordinarily effective in the prevention and eradication of Covid-19 EXTRA EXTRA
Ivermectin is very safe. It is has been used effectively for many years to kill various parasites in humans and animals. The dose is 3mg twice a day for five days.
More on Yogacara and the source of our problems
Friday, August 6, 2021
Why I practice Nichiren Lotus Sutra Buddhism Independently
Thursday, August 5, 2021
Nearly Everything the Nichiren Shoshu is Fake
More on Yogacara (Mind Only) and the Lotus Sutra
Someone asserted that the Heart Sutra is superior to the Lotus Sutra...
Wednesday, August 4, 2021
The Eternal Buddha resides in our minds
And from Page 56
Anonymous News on the lethality of small amounts of radiation products.

Monday, August 2, 2021
The meaning of Kosen Rufu
The word "propagate" is found, twice in three chapters (13, 14, and 22) of the Lotus Sutra:
“World-Honored One, leader and teacher, you bring tranquility to heavenly and human beings. We have heard these prophecies and our minds are peaceful and satisfied. The nuns, having recited these verses, said to the Buddha, “World-Honored One, we too will be able to go to lands in other regions and broadly propagate this sutra.” -Chapter 13, Exhortation to Hold Firm
“They rose from their seats, advanced before the Buddha and, pressing their palms together with a single mind, thought to themselves, if the World-Honored One should order us to embrace and preach this sutra, we would do as the Buddha instructed and broadly propagate this Law. And then they thought to themselves, But the Buddha now is silent and gives us no such order. What shall we do?”(Chapter 13)
“If a bodhisattva will at times enter a quiet room and with the correct mental attitude will view phenomena according to the doctrine, and then, rising from his meditation, will for the sake of the ruler, the princes, ministers and people, the Brahmans and others, unfold, propagate, expound and preach this sutra, then his mind will be tranquil, free of qualing and timidity - Chapter 14, Peaceful Practices
“Manjushri this Lotus Sutra is the secret storehouse of the Buddhas, the Thus Come Ones. Among the sutras, it holds the highest place. Through the long night I have guarded and protected it and have never recklessly propagated it. But today for the first time I expound it for your sake.”(Chapter 14)
“At that time Shakyamuni Buddha rose from his Dharma seat and, manifesting his great supernatural powers, with his right hand patted the heads of the immeasurable, Bodhisattvas and mahasattvas and spoke these words: “For immeasurable hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, millions of asamkhya kalpas I have practiced this hard- to-attain Law of anuttara-samyak-sambodhi. Now I entrust it to you. You must single-mindedly propagate this Law abroad, causing its benefits to spread far and wide." - Chapter 22, Entrustment
"Three times he patted the bodhisattvas and mahasattvas on the head and spoke these words:
For immeasurable hundreds, thousands, ten thousands, millions of asamkhya kalpas I have practiced this hard-to-attain Law of anuttara-samyak-sambodhi. Now I entrust it to you. You must accept, uphold, recite, and broadly propagate this Law, causing all living beings everywhere to hear and understand it. Why? Because the Thus Come One has great pity and compassion. He is in no way stingy or begrudging, nor has he any fear. He is able to bestow on living beings the wisdom of the Buddha, the wisdom of the Thus Come One, the wisdom that comes of itself. The Thus Come One is a great giver of gifts to all living beings. You for your part should respond by studying this Law of the Thus Come One. You must not be stingy or begrudging.” - Chapter 22
And perhaps the most powerful exhortation to propagate the Sutra for the benefit of all beings is found in Chapter 23 of the LS, The Former Affairs of the Bodhisattva Medicine King:
“Constellation King Flower, this sutra can save all living beings. This sutra can cause all living beings to free themselves from suffering and anguish. This sutra can bring great benefits to all living beings and fulfill their desires, as a clear cool pond can satisfy all those who are thirsty. It is like a fire to one who is cold, a robe to one who is naked, like a band of merchants finding a leader, a child finding its mother, someone finding a ship in which to cross the water, a sick man finding a doctor, someone in darkness finding a lamp, the poor finding riches, the people finding a ruler, a traveling merchant finding his way to the sea. It is like a torch that banishes darkness. Such is this Lotus Sutra. It can cause living beings to cast off all distress, all sickness and pain. It can unloose all the bonds of birth and death...
And a few passages further down:
After I have passed into extinction, in the last five-hundred-year period you must spread it abroad widely throughout Jambudvipa and never allow it to be cut off, nor must you allow evil devils, the devils’ people, heavenly beings, dragons, yakshas, kumbhanda demons, or others to seize the advantage!"
Then, in several places, the Buddha talks about bringing peace:
"I appear in the world like a great cloud that showers moisture upon all the dry and withered living beings, so that all are able to escape suffering, gain the joy of peace and security, the joys of this world, and the joy of nirvana. All you heavenly and human beings of this assembly, listen carefully and with one mind! All of you should gather around and observe the one of unexcelled honor. I am the world-honored one, none can rival me. In order to bring peace and security to living beings I have appeared in the world and for the sake of this great assembly I preach the sweet dew of the pure Law. This Law is of a single flavor, that of emancipation, nirvana. With a single wonderful sound I expound and unfold its meaning; constantly for the sake of the great vehicle" - LS Chapter 5, The Parable of the Medicinal Herbs
"Once these living beings have heard the Law, they will enjoy peace and security in their present existence and good circumstances in future existences, when they will receive joy and again be able to hear the Law. -ibid
"I am the Dharma king, free to do as I will with the Law. To bring peace and safety to living beings— that is the reason I appear in the world." - LS Chapter 3, Simile and Parable
"Now I too am like this; in order to bring peace and comfort to living beings I employ various different doctrines to disseminate the buddha way. Through the power of my wisdom I know the natures and desires of living beings and through expedient means I preach these doctrines, causing all living beings to attain joy and gladness." - LS Chapter 2, Expedient Means
"At that time, after the five hundred ten thousand million Brahma kings had recited these verses in praise of the buddha, they each spoke to the buddha, saying: ‘We beg the world-honored one to turn the wheel of the Law, bringing peace and tranquillity to many, bringing salvation to many.’..." Lotus Sutra Chapter 7, The Phantom city
"Thereupon the Buddha said to Bodhisattva Great Adornment: “Excellent, excellent, you great and good men. You have seen fit to ask the thus come one about the subtle and wonderful meaning of this profound, unsurpassed great vehicle. You should understand that by doing so you can benefit many people, assure peace and joy to human and heavenly beings, and rescue living beings from suffering. This is in truth great pity and compassion. And because it is true, it cannot be vain. As a result of this, you will without fail quickly attain unsurpassed enlightenment. And you will also make it possible for all living beings in the present age and in ages to come to attain unsurpassed enlightenment." - Infinite Meanings Sutra, the prologue to the LS, Ch. 2
"They will expound the moisture of the Law, pouring it everywhere to water the dry and barren places. They will show themselves able to dispense the medicine of the Law to living beings, bringing peace and happiness to all." - ibid Chapter 3
Lastly Nichiren recapitulates the Lotus Sutra:
"...When the people all chant Namu-myoho-renge-kyo, the wind will no longer buffet the branches, and the rain will no longer break the clods of soil. The world will become as it was in the ages of Fu Hsi and Shen Nung. In their present existence the people will be freed from misfortune and disasters and learn the art of living long. Realize that the time will come when the truth will be revealed that both the person and the Law are unaging and eternal. There cannot be the slightest doubt about the sutra’s promise of “peace and security in their present existence.”
Sunday, August 1, 2021
Bible Belt lunacy
Jesus has failed to protect the bible Belt states from the Delta virus. The non-mask wearers and especially the church goers are contracting Covid at an inordinate rate. I have been telling more and more people to chant Namu Myoho renge kyo and to, at least, wear masks in indoor settings, especially if they will be indoors here and there for more than 15 minutes. It is falling on deaf ears..."Jesus will protect me." Foolishness abounds. I worry about my son who is an intensivist in 3 ICUs in Florida. Breakthrough infections are not rare. My anecdotal assessment is that the Moderna Vaccine is superior to the Pfizer vaccine, Johnson & Johnson vaccine and especially the astra Zenica Vaccine.
No Impediment to Normalcy???
The Olympics are supposed to be a tangible symbol of global cooperation and peaceful competition. But the games carry a lot of baggage—not only from the pandemic but also from the Fukushima disaster and Japan’s nuclear politics.
As Covid cases spread in the Olympic Village and in Tokyo, protesters continue to demand the Olympics be canceled, and they continue to be ignored. But the tone-deafness of these Olympics goes back further—to the Fukushima nuclear disaster. In 2019, then–Prime Minister Shinzo Abe dubbed the Tokyo Olympics the “Recovery Games,” meant “to showcase the affected regions of the tsunami” and the nuclear meltdown of 2011, which continues to pose threats today.
That’s why some Olympic events are being held in Fukushima’s Azuma Stadium, and why Olympic torch runners have been routed through Fukushima prefecture, hitting what the official Olympic website calls “places of interest” near the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. It started at J-Village, a former logistics hub for crews working to remediate the stricken reactors, now a sports complex, where Greenpeace detected a radiation hot spot in late 2019. It passed through Ōkuma and Futaba, where the plant is located, and other nearby towns long abandoned after the disaster.
This is intended to project an image of recovery and normalcy to the world. But it’s government propaganda, deaf to citizens’ concerns, and blind to ongoing threats. Fukushima Daiichi continues to leak radioactivity. New radiation hot spots and other impacts are being discovered all the time.
This sort of Olympic spin tactic has been used before. In the 1964 Tokyo Olympics, the government sought to portray Japan as a modern industrial nation with its own nuclear research program. Yoshinori Sakai, born in Hiroshima on the day the atomic bomb was dropped, lit the Olympic flame. A scant year and half after the Cuban missile crisis, this gesture soft-pedaled the dangers of nuclear technology, nuclear weapons, and the burgeoning arms race.
Today, the tone-deafness continues. This month, on the anniversary of the Trinity nuclear tests that enabled the atomic bombings of Japan, IOC President Thomas Bach went to Hiroshima to lay a wreath at a memorial, prompting an angry response. “President Bach using the image of ‘a peaceful world without nuclear weapons’ only to justify holding of the Olympics by force under the pandemic is a blasphemy to atomic bombing survivors,” a coalition of civic groups wrote. “An act like this does nothing but do harm to the global nuclear weapons ban movement.”
Billions watching the games are imbibing the idea that, protests notwithstanding, Covid, Fukushima, the atomic bombings, and rising nuclear dangers today pose no impediment to normalcy. This should be countered with factual context and truth-telling.
Nuclear Games, a new documentary available online, attempts this by contrasting the Olympic ideals of peace and humanity with our history of nuclear violence and inhumanity (full disclosure: My organization Basel Peace Office is one of several NGOs helping with the project). It uses manga and interactive content to counter Olympic spin and teach mass audiences, including young people, Nuclear History 101: the Cuban missile crisis, Chernobyl, the victims of uranium mining and nuclear testing, the North Korean nuclear program.
We urgently need remedial education on nuclear issues. Most millennials believe nuclear war will occur within the next decade, yet they also rank nuclear weapons as the least important of 12 global issues. They’re both justifiably anxious and badly misinformed.
Achieving basic nuclear literacy is indispensable now. Nuclear dangers are more acute than in 1964, the risk of nuclear war is growing, and the arms control regime is failing. This year, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists moved its Doomsday Clock ahead to 100 seconds before midnight—closer to the zero hour than during the Cuban missile crisis.