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Wednesday, August 11, 2021

Did you know? There are two Jesus' in Japan.

The Soka Gakkai and the Nichiren Shoshu share the aberrant doctrine of the necessity of an intermediary in order to attain Buddhahood. For the Nichiren Shoshu it is the High Priest and for the SGI it is Ikeda. I didn't know that their were TWO Jesus' in Japan.


  1. Hope you are ok Dr Mark

  2. No one talks about radionuclide pyrophoricity. There have been perennial wild fires, around radioctive sieves like Hanford, mayak, los Alamos, fukushima, Santa Susana, Chernobyl, and the Idaho national laboratory, for years.

    There have been and are, worldwide, expansive wild fires, "On All major continents." They are  burning trees that have accumulated pyrophoric nuclear fallout, over the past 75 years.  Bomb detonation-fallout, chernobyl, fukushima and all the other meltdowns and radioactive ☢️ fallout,  radionuclides, from   other radionuclide catastrophes, they lie about.  The extremely toxic  radionucleides,  are going back into our food supply, air, and water. It is going  into the air we breath, the food we eat, the water we drink. It is  making climate change, much worse.
    The wild fire areas, are doubling in ferocity and breadth every year.  There are, wildfires adjacent to major cities and in towns.
    The first rainstorm ever recorded, has occured at the.summit of Greenlands largest glacier.

    There are probably only 5 years left for humans on earth.
    I was in a mountain valley, after a 9000 acre wild fire struck there, this summer. The heart of the rocky mountains on fire, leading to  paralyzing floods in mountain valleys, from the loss of the trees, that keep soil and water in the mountains..
    House flies are impacted and largely gone in the valley I was in,  whereas there are usually significant housefly problems , in the summer. Fly reproduction cycles are the most vulnerable to radionuclide mutation and toxicity.
    There were 4 hummingbirds coming to the feeders in the spring and beginning of the summer. No hummingbirds now.

    People simply ignore it. It is getting far worse than this pandemic. Soon systems will fail massively. There is other pestilence that is out of hand. People won't be able to breath or survive because of the heat and smoke. How stupid humans are. Many insect and bees already gone. A mass of insane deluded, gluttous, evil-monkeys.

  3. As Diogenes, the great Greek philosopher stated, "The people prefer to watch a shimmy shimmy than to listen to a discourse on the true nature of things." The Buddha however, taught in the most important chapter of the Lotus, it is not as the Three Worlds See the Three Worlds." The common mortal sees our world burning in the great fire of suffering but my land is peaceful and secure. Keep chanting Namu Myoho renge know to have the same perspective as the Buddha and Nichiren.

  4. If turdball trump, were in power it would already, be over. He may get back. It is a time of mass insanity. They want to end things in a sadistic bloodbath. The Sooner, the better for them. One small tac nuke will start it. The stupid friking Russians had another accidental, nuke explosion. A several thousand acre, wildfire is advancing to one of their top secret nuke facilities. The facility has plutonium, bombs, nuke engines that explode so easily. A great deal of Siberia , is on fire.
