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Thursday, September 30, 2021

Food for thought. Minobu wrote:

"Due to the nature of Mappo and the sentients that are disposed to be born in such a time and culture is fertile ground for all sentients to slander.

The beauty of Lotus Buddhism and chanting the Daimoku it overrides the sundry slander that everyone commits during mappo.

People's egos display a revulsion to what it actually means to be those who are part and parcel to Mappo.

ODaimoku is the resource left to us from Buddha to overcome the natural tendency to slander and lightens the effect of the Karma produced from slander.

In fact the practice does this alchemy of transforming negativity into a positive impetus to one's liberation.

We can ignore this urge to focus on slander and the rules that drive people to fixate about slander instead of on purification." - David

I maintain, as Nichiren I believe, that part and parcel of the purification process is confronting slander.


  1. Under the Trump administration Trump urged all countries to withdraw from the treaty banning nuclear weapons and there are almost enough countries to ratify it.
    US urges countries to withdraw from UN nuke ban treaty

  2. Yes. He also wanted to give South Korea nukes and Japan also if my memory serves me.

    1. Trump is, kukoo for radioactive cocao puffs! There are 20 of some of the oldest most beat fup, GE style with some westinghouse , Fukushima type old -beat -up- reactors , in South Korea. Most are ready to blow from earthquake, typhoon or war. They have no place to store the nuke waste they are accumulating

      The Dumn bunnies, never talk about the facts, that each reactor goin off, would be like a thousand atomic bombs , worth of fallout.

      You know reactors, are the first places, the ghouly generals and pentagon vampires have targeted. Nuke reactors.

      Bunkoo the ugly Nazi clown, also lobbied to keep 10z 55 yo reactor inurica to stay opened and really pushed to completely deregulate the supervision of old reactors he extended 30 to 60 yo reactors another hundred years . The rattletrap are all embrittled and have large holes in the reactor heads

      Fuko wanted to nuke huricanes!

      One of trumps rich benefactors, art robinson ,says they should put nuclear waste in the water supply, like fluoride. He says , "Nuke waste will immunize you from radiation!"
      Art robinson and donny think that launching a few tactical nukes won't hurt nothin.

      Preemptive tactical strikes will show em, our strength and "Oh well, we wil have to launch those bombs everybody paid for, sometimes! The sooner the better."

  3. Arnie Gunderson pissed on me too . Frikin arrogant jerk gunderson is. Gunderson is not as bad as Jay cullen, but he's an arrogant bastard . hes a paid nuclear engineer that minimizes too many things. Cullen is just a tool for the death vampires.dana and I are alike like that. We Let passion run amock sometimes.
    There is Such a shitty legal systems in USA and Canada. They always arrest a lot of activists on petty charged at oil and.nuke protests like standing rock.
    Political prisoners in America is like the gulagsand you are branded and harrassed for life thanks to the Patriot act.
    Half the Chinese in two eastern provinces, roseup when the ccp wanted to build a plutonium plant in east china.bthe ccp encouraged the protests because som oligarchs and local got bosses, we're getting out of hand.That would not happen here in the USA they would shoot people in America for mass uprising against anything cotporate of mic nuclear. I fricken know because.ive.been.doing it since 1978..two totally different police states , china or USA! but the us is far more brutal. Mericans are brainwashed fools. time to riseup in the millions and chant namu myo renge kyo at the nuke plants and missile sites!

  4. Thank you too for your efforts against nuclear, unlike SGI who merely talks the talk, you walk the walk.

  5. "

    I maintain, as Nichiren I believe, that part and parcel of the purification process is confronting slander."

    Yes, and it is clear that one must start with oneself, and correct others from compassion and with respect. I'd have to agree that "focus on slander" of others, diminishes the more important focus of purification… of one's own perceptions. Some folks are bent on "attacking slander" while simultaneously displaying extremely poor judgment in many aspects of daily life-- from political affiliations to behavior towards other people.

  6. Please show me where the forceful practices (shakubuku) starts with oneself. You have forgotten completely that shakubuku is THE practice for others. Thye purification process is chanting the Daimoku and studying the writings of Nichiren and the Lotus Sutra.

  7. I was recalling Letter to Akimoto-- the "vessel" prone to myriad imperfections is "us". Also, it is not helpful to turn someone against "the teachings" by beating them over the head with them! You will point out whatever your personal experience was in SGI note how there is potential for some to conflate being treated disrespectfully with "Nichiren's buddhism", leaving them with a "bad taste in their mouths". I suggest you consider how your tactics can have the same untoward affect. Saying this assuming you actually are attempting to "help a fellow believer" ????

  8. I reflect daily. Are you discouraged from reading my blog? Then don't read my blog. Form everyone discouraged, there are five or ten people who begin to study the Lotus Sutra and the Writings of Nichiren.

  9. SGI Boston went further, expelling me via a registered letter for voicing concerns about organizational decisions. Your tone is the same though- and your goal to be rid of truth speakers is very familiar. You can conduct from your bully pulpit privately or just continue to demonstrate your disdain for those who challenge your authoritarian posturing and prove you don’t practice what you preach.
