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Thursday, September 30, 2021

Nichiren Daishonin was right. The Japanese are the most evil people in Jambudvipa 


  1. Given the global challenges for our mutual survival, fomenting animosity toward other countries is self destructive. Buddhism teaches the interconnectedness of all things; dependent origination. In the Lotus Sutra, the Buddha tells us , “ Now this threefold world is all My domain… all living beings are my children.”

    Please reflect on the effects of dehumanizing others, condemning and inciting hatred— all of which form the basis for the radicalization of those who are carrying out violent attacks and demonstrating lack of respect for human life.

    Consulting with one who has studied Nichiren’s authentic writings for years, I confirmed there is no basis in Nichiren’s writings for hostility amongst those who chant the daimoku; no doctrinal debates amongst believers who chant— only many statements regarding respect for each other being of the utmost importance.

    The daimoku encompasses all of the Lotus Sutra and ALL 3 Great Secret Laws. There are no sages now, just common mortals chanting the daimoku on our own unique karmic paths. None are equal to Nichiren in medieval Japan ! Nichiren addressed circumstances in medieval Japan as the Buddha’s envoy. Here we are living in a democracy in the 21st century.We all have access to information to help us achieve solidarity with our global neighbors for our mutual peace and prosperity; believers who chant the daimoku are always challenged to maintain faith — despite hatred and jealousy fueling secular atrocities.

    How could the country where Nichiren began propagation of the 5 characters :myo,ho,ren,ge,kyo , entrusted to him by Shakyamuni Buddha, be called, an evil country? Nichiren was protected and supported there to complete his mission. Nichiren was victorious —and now the daimoku has spread throughout the world. It is very odd how some who claim to believe the essential practice Nichiren taught are engaged in divisive, acrimonious behavior.

  2. Did you read the entire article? Nichiren stated that his people, all 4,794,000 were the most eveil people in the world. The difference between the Japanese society of Nichiren's day and those of today is that today's society is even more evil. The leaders of the country and those who have altered Nichiren's teachings, care nothing about the people. They give lip service to Nichiren and his teachings. They care nothing about their children and the general populace who don't think for themselves. The lies about Fukushima is a type of genocide. Because of their lies, they are destroying people through mutations caused by Fukushima for 5 generations, at least and some of the nuclides that are still being released have half lives of 24,000. My heart goes out to the children. The people who believe their hungry ghost leaders are all to a man and woman stupid. We are not much better. The IAEA, the WHO,and the so-called scientists should all be jailed for life. This article doesn't even address what they are doing to the pacific ocean. The religious leaders. far from being enlightened are no better than the leaders and the ignorant populace.

    The Japanese, in their stupidity, are no different than the Jews who refused to believe that the Germans could be so evil to take them to their slaughter in the concentration camps. They believed that they were being exiled. They failed to believe "the rumors." Nichiren says that the hardest thing to perceive is extreme evil. The world is inundated with extreme evil. Nichiren teaches that incorrect teachings are the root cause of strife. What the various Japanese sects and individuals have done to Nichiren's teachings (which demonstrate a hatred for Nichiren, and the children, the innocents, are reaping what the evil Japanese adults have sown. You may believe the IAEA, the WHO and Greedy Japanese leaders, scientists, journalists, functionaries, but we believe in them to our own peril. Namu myoho renge kyo especially for the children. The good thing in all this, Namu Myoho reng kyo will change the Japanese people's poison into medicine thanks to the excellent physician and his messenger.

  3. Part 1
    "The priests of this country have all become possessed by the spirits of Devadatta and Kokālika; the ruler of the nation has become a reincarnation of King Ajātashatru or King Virūdhaka. And in the case of the ministers and the common people, it is as though someone gathered together evil people like the ministers Varshakāra and Chandrakīrti, or like Sunakshatra and Girika, and had them constitute the people of Japan."

    "Japan today is filled with people, from the ruler on down to the general populace, with minds of great evil. The source of this evil has arisen in connection with me."

    "Thus, this country has unwittingly become an abode of great evil demons."
    "Nevertheless, because everyone from the sovereign on down to the common people hates Nichiren for propagating the Lotus Sutra, though they may revere all the gods and make offerings to all the Buddhas, these meritorious acts only turn into great evil."

    Yet it is difficult to imagine that the people of Japan could ever turn their hearts with more seriousness and affection toward Shakyamuni Buddha than Amida Buddha, or toward the Lotus Sutra than the Nembutsu. Thus, they are evildoers who only resemble virtuous people. And among evildoers, they are the worst of the most terrible slanderers and icchantikas, or persons of incorrigible disbelief, in all Jambudvīpa. With regard to such people, Shakyamuni Buddha declared in the second volume of the Lotus Sutra, “When his life comes to an end he will enter the Avīchi hell.”3

    "The priests of Japan today are all men of great evil, surpassing even Devadatta or the Venerable Kokālika. And because lay people revere them and make them offerings, this country is being transformed before our very eyes into the hell of incessant suffering, where countless people in their present existence, in addition to undergoing starvation, pestilence, and horrible agonies unknown in previous ages, will be attacked by a foreign power. This is due solely to the workings of deities like Brahmā, Shakra, and the gods of the sun and moon."

  4. Part 2
    "In Japan at present, the ruler, his ministers, and the common people are committing major offenses such as have not been known in India, China, or anywhere in all of Jambudvīpa in the 2,220 years or more since the passing of the Buddha. It is as though all the people throughout the worlds of the ten p.522directions who are guilty of committing any of the five cardinal sins were to be gathered together in a single spot."

    "...I will reserve discussion of the rights and wrongs of Buddhist schools in India and China for some other time, but as for Japan, all the people have discarded the correct teaching of the Lotus Sutra and are therefore without exception destined to fall into the evil paths."

    "...Yet it is difficult to imagine that the people of Japan could ever turn their hearts with more seriousness and affection toward Shakyamuni Buddha than Amida Buddha, or toward the Lotus Sutra than the Nembutsu. Thus, they are evildoers who only resemble virtuous people. And among evildoers, they are the worst of the most terrible slanderers and icchantikas, or persons of incorrigible disbelief, in all Jambudvīpa. With regard to such people, Shakyamuni Buddha declared in the second volume of the Lotus Sutra, “When his life comes to an end he will enter the Avīchi hell.”3

    The priests of Japan today are all men of great evil, surpassing even Devadatta or the Venerable Kokālika. And because lay people revere them and make them offerings, this country is being transformed before our very eyes into the hell of incessant suffering, where countless people in their present existence, in addition to undergoing starvation, pestilence, and horrible agonies unknown in previous ages, will be attacked by a foreign power. This is due solely to the workings of deities like Brahmā, Shakra, and the gods of the sun and moon."

    "...How tragic, how pitiful, that all the people of Japan should fall into the great citadel of the hell of incessant suffering!..."

  5. Part 3
    "And I, Nichiren, say: The country of Japan consists of seven marches, 68 provinces,7 604 districts, and over 10,000 villages. It measures 3,587 ri in length, and has a population of 4,589,659 persons or, by another reckoning, 4,994,828 persons. Its temples number 11,037, and its shrines number 3,132. And when the Lotus Sutra speaks of persons entering the Avīchi hell, it is referring to these very persons.

    "Question: Among living beings there are two types of persons, evil persons and good persons. And among the various realms into which one may be born there must be good paths and evil paths. Why then should all the people in this country of Japan uniformly be destined to “enter the Avīchi hell”?

    Answer: Although the number of people is very great, the karma that they create is the same in nature. Therefore they are all alike destined for the Avīchi hell.

    Objection: Among all the living beings of Japan, some are good persons and some are evil persons. The good persons observe the five precepts, the ten precepts, or the two hundred and fifty precepts, while the evil persons kill living beings, steal, or commit the five cardinal sins or the ten evil acts. Why then do you say that the karma these people create is the same?

    Answer: Small acts of goodness and small acts of evil differ from one another. But if people are guilty of slandering the Lotus Sutra, then good persons and evil persons, wise persons and foolish ones, are all in the same category. Therefore I say they are all uniformly destined to enter the Avīchi hell.

    Question: Why do you say that the people in the country of Japan are all alike slanderers of the Lotus Sutra?

    Answer: Although the people of Japan are very numerous, they do not exceed 4,589,659 persons in number. These various persons differ in social station, some being superior in rank and others inferior, but they all alike rely upon the three great teachers to be their teachers in Buddhism. They never turn elsewhere than to these three great teachers. There are, to be sure, a few others who do not rely on the three great teachers, but these all belong to the followers of Hsin-hsing, Shan-tao, or others like them."
    "In Japan today there are persons guilty of crimes who, like Devadatta or the Great Arrogant Brahman, are p.958destined to fall into the hell of incessant suffering. The 4,589,659 inhabitants who fill the 3,587 ri of this country are just such persons. And the unspeakably grave faults committed by Devadatta and the Great Arrogant Brahman are among the lightest of light offenses in comparison to the faults of these 4,589,659 persons of this country of Japan.

    Question: Why do you say that?

    Answer: Because, although Devadatta and the Great Arrogant Brahman were evil men, they were not guilty of slandering the Lotus Sutra. Devadatta was numbered among the second type of persons who enter the Ganges River and the second type is icchantikas, or persons of incorrigible disbelief.22 But the 4,589,659 inhabitants of Japan today are all offenders who belong to the first type of persons who enter the Ganges. Therefore the three cardinal sins that Devadatta committed are in comparison light as a feather, while the grave offenses committed by the persons of Japan I have just mentioned are weighty as a huge stone.

    There can be no doubt that as a result, Brahmā and Shakra have abandoned Japan, the gods Same Birth and Same Name have taken leave of its inhabitants, and the Sun Goddess and Great Bodhisattva Hachiman no longer guard and protect this country of ours."

    There are more than a dozen more such passages.

  6. Did you happen to notice the DATE on the writings you shared? Why do you think this is relevant to anyone today?

  7. There are several reasons.
    1). Fukushim, Fukushima, Fukushima. Did you not read the article?
    2) All the major Nichiren sects alter the teachings and fail to follow Nichiren. They destroy the abilty of people to attain Buddhahood. This demonstrates hatred for Nichiren.
    The majority of people of Japan disbelieves the Lotus Sutra which according to the Lotus sutra is slander and there still are many people in the provisional sects who, to this day, have disdain for Nichiren.

    The Japanese people and their leaders slander the Lotus Sutra, Nichiren, and the dignity of human life beyond even those of Kamakura period. This is Mappo which will last for ten thousand years and more.

  8. If one is chanting Myoho renge kyo, they are practicing belief.
    Are you not spewing hatred for the Japanese people that you have never met?
    I have very fond memories of Japanese American SGI women’s division members and leaders who were all about chanting daimoku ! A few come to mind who began their practice as youth in Japan— lovely, kind, serious minded chanters of daimoku . I felt fortunate to have met them years ago when I knew very little about Buddhism.

  9. From my perspective, you were being love bombed by the cult. They needed your warm body to promote their errant interpretation of Nichiren's teachings. Now go and chant a few bars of Forever Sensei. You will feel better.

  10. No thanks! Hold your sarcasm. I place emphasis on how these Japanese members ONLY promoted, encouraged CHANTING DAIMOKU. My first year, I was averaging 2-3 hours per day, inspired by their sincerity and humility toward the practice. Unlike, you, dear blogger, THEY never embarked on "preaching" anything BUT the daimoku! My good fortune.

  11. you have selective memory. Why don't you sing a few bars of Sensei For You, Sensei Oh Sensei, I Seek Sensei, Dear Sensei, My Mentor and I, Lets Win With Sensei, Lets March Ahead with Sensei, sensei I am Here, Sensei OH Sensei, and I Will Sensei.

  12. My memory is clear and yours should inform you that you were not a witness to or privy to my experiences in SGI. Have you encountered “ founder worship” in your study of Buddhism? Did you know that disciples of Nichiren displayed the same for him, despite Nichiren’s humility and strict adherence to reverence for the Lotus Sutra and the Buddha ? I tend to think that person centered practice is just another obstacle that plagues those born in Mappo. I personally experienced many stages of progression to embracing the Law first and foremost over 33 years. What you degrade and ridicule looks to me like a universal karmic impediment that only assiduous practice chanting daimoku can eradicate.
