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Thursday, September 30, 2021

Not yet recommending Ivermectin but here are the latest trials in the National Library of Medicine, an organ of the National Institue of Health 


  1. I know it works for chagas because, it worked for me. The ivermectin thing is just political. The other drugs for chagas are a hundred times more toxic. I think people should get vaccines, and use ivermectin if they have to. Themedias, have turned covid and vaccines, into a circus and a political red herring, that's with the big elephants in the room of nuclear and extreme climate heating, going on.
    It is not nearly as toxic as chloramphenicol, or Clindamycin or vancomycin yet the left have demonized it and the right, has people misusing it and poisoning people. Que lostima. The guy who invented ivermectin, was a rare genius for his time a Japanese microbiologist and medicinal chemist

  2. Still not approved by FDA and CDC-- while other treatments are approved. hopefully no one accepts medical advice from a "blog"?
