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Friday, September 24, 2021

Regarding the two hundred Soka Gakkai Vice Presidents and General Directors

The two hundred SGI Vice Presidents and General Directors in Japan ALL earn mid-six figure salaries to do the same thing that District, Chapter, Headquarters, Region, Territory, and most Zone leaders, outside Japan, do for free... teach Ikedaism. In the actual Lotus Sutra Buddhism of Nichiren, only priests or monks may accept donations (alms).


  1. You are a great votary and man of knowledge and wisdom Dr rogow

  2. TY! At least, I have one or two supporters other than my wife and it gives me great joy but also a sense of shame for not living up to your praise. Alive and chanting Namu Myoho renge kyo, I may yet be a true Bodhisattva of the Earth.

  3. Why would a votary of the Lotus Sutra need “ supporters”. when they are assured protection by the heavenly deities’ vow recorded in the Lotus Sutra?

    Moreover, why would any true believer seek validation on an Internet forum? While removing all evidence to his false claims — via his moderator’s delete button ?

  4. Perhaps, you wouldn't know because you have no supporters? There are almost 100 references to (supporters) in the writings of Nichiren. Maybe you should study more before coming here and saying such inane things.
