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Monday, October 11, 2021

From the Opening of the Eyes...The Lotus Sutra calls non-Buddhists "demons".

"The goods and evils of non-Buddhist creeds, when compared with the Hinayana sutras, all represent a bad way. Similarly, the good ways of Hinayana teachings, and the four flavors and three teachings as well, when compared with the Lotus Sutra, are all mistaken and bad. The Lotus Sutra alone is correct and good. The perfect teaching of the sutras preached before the Lotus Sutra is so called from the relative viewpoint; from the absolute viewpoint, it must still be counted as bad. Fundamentally it falls into the category of the three teachings, and therefore it is bad in that sense as well. To practice the highest principles of the pre-Lotus Sutra teachings according to the sutras is still bad."


"It is said that good medicine tastes bitter. This sutra, which is like good medicine, dispels attachments to the five vehicles and establishes the one ultimate principle. It reproaches those in the ranks of ordinary beings and censures those in the ranks of sagehood, denies [provisional] Mahayana and refutes Hinayana. It speaks of the heavenly devils as poisonous insects and calls non-Buddhists demons. It censures those who cling to Hinayana teachings, calling them mean and impoverished, and it dismisses bodhisattvas as beginners in learning. For this reason, heavenly devils hate to listen to it, non-Buddhists find their ears offended, persons of the two vehicles are dumbfounded, and bodhisattvas flee in terror. That is why all these types of people try to make hindrances [for a practitioner of the Lotus Sutra]. The Buddha was not speaking nonsense when he declared that hatred and jealousy would abound.”


  1. Can Buddhist truth, be considered "hate speech"? According to Katie, a disbeliever who chant Namu Myoho renge kyo, "YES".

    How many people have died thanks to Christianity, Islam and Hinduism. Which countries possess nuclear weapons? Christian, Islamic, and Hindu countries possess nuclear weapons. Islam has killed more than 20,000,000 Buddhists and the Hindu Rajputs, not many fewer. Katie had better reflect on her warped faith and perception.

  2. Apparently Katie is another one who picks and chooses Nichiren, one who really doesn't like Nichiren's way, not unlike the Soka Gakkai and the Nichiren Shu..."Nichiren is too harsh, we will propagate the teachings our way" and Ikeda, Nichiki, and Nissatsu of the Nichiren Shu who went so far as to change Nichiren's Four Dictums.

  3. Referring to the first paragraph above:

    The flow of Buddhism and the flow of Christianity are both the same. Only the temporal appearances are different, just as there are different countries. Regardless the doctrinal positions, Jesus was very much a Buddhist of his time and place.

    Had the Daishonin known of him, he would have included him on the Gohonzon, just as he included some Shinto Deities.

    It is never about the form or shadow, it is about the true aspect of reality.

    Jesus is in the Lotus Sutra and the Lotus Sutra was in Jesus just as it is in all people of true faith, regardless of the temporal situations.
    The main thing is JIYU. Make it happen, all the pretense and loftiness of words means nothing.

    Everyone do well

    "My disciples should be the last to abuse each other."

    Get the rocks out of the heads and follow the real intent.

    1. agreed about putting Jesus on Gohonzon had Nichiren known. Jesus protects the votaries of the Lotus Sutra as do all Gods, Allah too. However Christianity and its teachings (Bible) is history and mythology and has caused the deaths of millions, unlike the Lotus Sutra. wouldn't you agree.

    2. "Get the rocks out of the heads and follow the real intent"
      the ceaseless "attacking" individuals; entire races of people, countries, etc. that has proliferated on this blog in the past 5 years is extremely detrimental -- and I say this knowing that others who once supported Mark here have "experienced" and/or studied to the point of rethinking Mark's positions- especially as he "defends them as Nichiren's own teachings"-- Maybe Mark will be able to at least open his mind to there being ONLY the strongest evidence that "attack mode" , especially against other believers, is absolutely NOT what Nichiren taught--but that simply by chanting the daimoku makes one a "believer" and only respectful discourse between "believers" is consistent with what Nichiren "lived".

    3. They said the exact same thing about Nichiren. Nichiren citing the Lotus Sutra Chapters 10,l 14, 1nd 13 respectively teaches:

      "The Lotus Sutra says, “Since hatred and jealousy toward this sutra abound even when the Thus Come One is in the world, how much more will this be so after his passing”? It also states, “It will face much hostility in the world and be difficult to believe.” And it says, “There will be many ignorant people who will curse and speak ill of us and will attack us with swords and staves, with rocks and tiles... again and again we will be banished.”

      From how many places have you been banished? Zero!

      The Lotus Sutra says, “Since hatred and jealousy toward this sutra abound even when the Thus Come One is in the world, how much more will this be so after his passing”?13 It also states, “It will face much hostility in the world and be difficult to believe.”14 And it says, “There will be many ignorant people who will curse and speak ill of us and will attack us with swords and staves, with rocks and tiles... again and again we will be banished.”1

    4. You have never been banished for the sake of the Lotus Sutra. Life will not go well for you admonishing and slandering a votary of the Lotus Sutra. I believe you are already in Hell.

    5. IN HELL? really? This is your belief ? Not Buddhist in the least …

    6. Everyone has beliefs. My belief that you are in hell is based on the teachings in Chapters 3 and 10 of the Lotus Sutra, The Fourteen Slanders writing, and your slander of a votary of the Lotus Sutra. My banishments as a votary are apples and oranges to your "banishments" here as a slanderer and renegade disciple of Nichiren. One need only examine deeply your hatred of a votary to know that you are exhibiting the World of Hell. I have nothing but pity for you. Namu Myoho renge kyo.

    7. Mutual possession of the ten worlds? Ever contemplated that jewel from the Lotus Sutra?
      As I continue my practice of chanting the daimoku, contribute my thoughts here, and go about my life with family, friends and colleagues at work, there is zero evidence that I am “stuck” in a realm of incessant suffering— from my countenance to my actions , your grim assertion is disproven.
      As for bannishments — besides 3 expulsions from SGI- the last spelled out in a registered letter 2012, I was bannished from my professional livelihood — black listed in the Boston area for speaking out against inhumane treatment of adolescents. However, I don’t claim that being slandered and losing what I rightfully earned through upholding the Law, makes me equal or even in league with Nichiren. I harbor no I’ll feelings towards those who sought to punish and do me harm—and I have received various forms of protection that afford me the opportunity to continue my life’s work and support my family. I owe everything to my determination to maintain faith in the Law no matter what and my basic nature to feel gratitude for the fortune I have to chant daimoku . I feel deep gratitude for everyone and everything that has inspired me to deepen my faith. I am not in need of anyones pity and hardly depend on praise from others. Likewise, bitter condemnations of me by you, do not effect my sensibilities in the least. Reason all by itself is enough to challenge your “beliefs” regarding the status or condition of any other living being .

  4. Knowing the true history of the Lotus Sutra can easily shock those who are stuck in abstractions.

    Use the Five Guides.

  5. One other thing. Although Christianity first came to Japan in the 16th century, it was known in China since the the 7th century. Some Japanese priests and monks traveled to China between the 10th? and certainly the 13th century, so it is not inconceivable that the learned priests and monks of Japan, at least, had heard of Christianity. Nichiren was in contact with many of the most learned priests of Japan, those of the Tendai sect, some of whom definitely traveled to China.

  6. At least one Christian scholar claims: "Unknown to even many Japanese, Japan has a long history of Christianity. The usual dating of Japan’s first contact with Christianity is 1549. However, some feel that there is sufficient evidence to claim that Nestorian missionaries arrived in Japan via India, China and Korea in 199 AD and by 400 AD had planted the first churches in Japan."

  7. " They said the exact same thing about Nichiren. Nichiren citing the Lotus Sutra Chapters 10,l 14, 1nd 13 respectively teaches:"

    you are not Nichiren-- we are not living in medieval Japan and it is most curious that you refer to statements made by "Katie" but fail to provide her comment for readers, instead chastising her this way. very poor form...

  8. I ceretainly am trying to walk in his footsteps and unlike you, I am not confused about his teachings. Let her come here and deny that she admonished me for pointing out the evils of Christianity, Islam, Christians, and Muslims and calling me a bigot, how many times? I don't need to allow a free forum for your parrot. Anytime you are ready for a formal debate and with you and your lemmings, let me know.

  9. so.. this blog is really about you--and you are the ultimate authority in total control of the content. aside from the fact that formal religious debates carried out in nichiren's time are no longer even realistic, who in their right mind would debate on an internet forum much less with the blog moderator?
    what you're displaying here, man is disconcerting-- so much self promotion and bravado, low blows and cheap shots.. do you really mean to appear so deranged?
    as for walking in nichiren's foot steps, that's rich. but if you want to emulate the one teacher for the latter evil age, you need to become as well versed as nichiren on his country's history and the significance of propagation in buddhist v. non-buddhist countries. you will fail to read and study to the depth and extent nichiren did, but maybe you will gain some clarity of insight and some humility, if not true reverence and stop callin yourself a votary, disciple ..walking in nichiren's footsteps. puleeze!

  10. boo hoo...'take my word' 'katie called me a bigot'.
    over the top self promotion here in the most pathetic ways...
    i hear you aire all your grievances here because you cannot engage personally...even with those you once did and called, friends.
    also hear (and have seen) how you moderate here. to make sure only your story gets aired.
    nichiren entered the priesthood at age 12 and is unsurpassed in his breadth of study and depth of knowledge. moreover, nichiren always exhibited exemplary human behavior. bout time you were called out for your foolish self agrandizing comparisons and your poor form towards other believers in general.

  11. Lets do a Zoom blog with Judges then. You and your holier than though instructions. What have you done for the sake of the Law Namu Myoho renge kyo. How many people have you converted, Gohonzons bestowed, good friends in the Dharma, day and night pointing to the Lotus Sutra and writings of Nichiren and not myself? You have even asked for alms. You have two warped disciples as proof of your depravity. You should sit upright and ponder the ultimate reality and reflect on yourself before admonishing me. Yes, Nichiren's exemplary begavior, as mine, is calling the evil monks and laymen beasts, monkeys, bats with the hearts of dogs and for the evil rulers and psuedo-Buddhists leaders and priests to to be beheaded on Yui beach. And you are no different. Go start your own sites or join the Soka Gakkai or Honmon Butsuryu Shu, or Ricky if you wish to start your own Daimoku only religion. Have you too abandoned Shakyamuni Buddha?

  12. BS. You called me out for supporting Trump's agenda for one short month Ms. Perfect. Then you pulled back the fur to find fault after fault be they true or false.

  13. Are you not an extremely evil woman?

  14. telling lies is evil.

  15. Here is one of your many lies:
    "You have even asked for alms. You have two warped disciples as proof of your depravity".

    Ranting and raving like a madman... must feel threatened based upon your insane attacks and wild assertions.

    Debating on the internet is your thing, for whatever reason. It is a ludicrous proposition that it pains me to realize you cannot discern for yourself.

  16. I have asked for alms? You are sick from slander. I pity you. I will debate anywhere, formally and informally for the sake of the teachings and as a votary of the Lotus Sutra, to defend myself.

  17. that’s a quote from your accusation, which is a lie. a quote from your comment above!
    debates are the Provence of Buddhist scholars and priests who seek the truth. your brazen attitude is disconcerting as you seem to be seeking personal acclaim— not unlike Samni-bo btw

  18. I seek neither fame nor profit which are mere baubles. I will not be around for long and my name will be long forgotten. Nichiren's name will be known for ten thousand years and more and others will follow his example in this evil age of Mappo.

  19. And you likewise don’t retract false accusations or admit error. It would be cause for deep regret should anyone choose to follow you.

  20. What would you like me to admit was false that i haven't already admitted to. Will you admit that the Buddha was against abortion. You should practice what you preach. And which false accusation would you have me admit were false. I pity anyone who would follow me, you, Jerry, or Greg.

  21. no need for pity— none of the three of us followed you at any time. your false statements have been pointed out here and in personal email. comments you did not publish. emails you ignored. phone conversations you ended on a nasty note, then came here and misrepresented all communications from us. your causes — that you can deny, but not erase.
