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Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Nichiren on keeping the precepts in this evil degenerate age

"The Great Teacher Dengyō declared, “I have forthwith cast aside the two hundred and fifty precepts!” And the Great Teacher Dengyō was not the only one to do so. Nyohō and Dōchū, who were disciples of Ganjin, as well as the priests of the seven major temples of Nara, all in like manner cast them aside. Moreover, the Great Teacher Dengyō left this warning for future ages: “If in the Latter Day of the Law there should be persons who keep the precepts, that would be something rare and strange, like a tiger in the marketplace. Who could possibly believe it?" - On the Four Stages of Faith and the Five Stages of Practice

Today, there is only the Diamond Precept... Chant and uphold Namu Myoho renge kyo until the last moment of life.


  1. "Today, there is only the Diamond Precept... Chant and uphold Namu Myoho renge kyo until the last moment of life."

    That's it! the "uphold" part is purely subjective and becomes known to the individual practitioner with absolutely no need for an authoritarian mediator. The teaching is perfect... each of us is unique, but equal in terms of benefit from continued practice.

  2. The crooked media in America, is justifying the Rittenhouse slaughter. So did the demented old thiing Biden. The racists and christian fascists and rightsts, are pronuclear one way or another. It took the greens, in Austria and Germany, to take down nuclear.
    Climate.change, imperialism, militarism, racism, greed, nuclearism are active parts of America. It is destroying the world and itself. So sick and sad

  3. Just alone and screwed on thanksgiving

  4. When chanting the daimoku we are never alone surroundd by the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas of the universe. You are welcome to come to our house.

  5. Trump encouraged mass shootings through his racism and rhetoric,, on so-called underground racist internet sites . . Trump even did it, tacitly on  He did it at ralleys and, continues to do so.

    A couple of Trump's, main campaign advisors, Spence and Miller are affiliated with Nazis. Richard spence is an avowed neo Nazi. Nazis believe in racial genocide.

    The rich boogaloo boys and Xtreme rightsts have a lot of power in Wisconsin. One of the boogaloo murdered a cop in northern California, to start a race war there.  it was All over the news.

    Right-wing preachers funded by rightwing millionaire and billionaire say Trump is the second coming of Christ.

    The boogaloo boys transported  Rittenhouse to Kenosha. Rittenhouse had never been to Kenosha, Wisconsin, before. 
    2 unarmed idealistic young men, without guns shot and.killed . Another maimed for life with a gunshot wound. Two young men , killed
    Most people, would probably would not care about your daughter's dating those young men. Young millennials. look at their pictures that are not altered or biased .

    The boogaloo boys transported Rittenhouse into kenosha wiconsin and told him to kill. That's murder.  There were several kkk murders  of civil rights workers and poll workers, like that during the civil Rights protests of the sixties. You know that's true. 

    The  Rittenhouse judge said he supported trump at the trial.

    The Rittenhouse judge would not allow the dead young men to be called victims. He  allowed rittenhouse to choose his own jurors.
    Its on the news it's fact .
    The crooked judge allowed Rittenhouse, to be freed, after fox news and the boogloo boys, paid his 2 million bail, set by the prosecutor. Does not happen mostly in places in America with first degree murder charges except for millionaire and mobsters . usually there is no bail.
    Fox news and the boogaloo boys financed the multimillion dollar trial of Rittenhouse.  

    People sitting on their bums and watching fox news. gobbling up, murderous, fascist rascist propaganda on fox news. Turning a blind eye to.americas, racist murderous treatment of black people, for dozens of years, in America.

    This is from a nationally syndicated journalist and University professor

    NOVEMBER 24, 2021
    Vigilantes on Parade: Rightwing Extremism and the Threat of National Implosion

    The Wisconsin ruling clearing Kyle Rittenhouse on all charges for the killing of two Black Lives Matter activists looks to be a milestone moment for the rise of rightwing extremism in America. It’s not so much the details of this case and the spin that can be employed in interpreting the events that concerns me most. It’s the implications of the case, considering the larger political context and the threat of rising extremism.

    A dangerous precedent has been set in this ruling, empowering vigilantes who believe they are deputized to enforce “the law” against perceived political enemies. Rittenhouse traveled to a city that he didn’t live in, to a state in which he is not a resident, while illegally possessing an assault rifle he had no right to wield, in the name of “protecting” property he didn’t own, in the process killing two men in violent altercations that would have been avoided entirely if Kenosha police had done their job, corralling vigilantes who looked to commit violence, and separating them from those engaged in protests or destruction of property. Even for those who are fixated on the property damage question, it’s difficult to defend Rittenhouse’s actions when he engaged in vigilante violence, with no training in dealing with conflict situations, and when responsibility for enforcing the law clearly falls on the police.

  6. The Rittenhouse case shouldn’t be interpreted in a vacuum, as it occurred within a larger political environment in which other rightwing vigilantes seek to justify violence, and even murder, under the guise of “self-defense.” Consider, for example, the Ahmaud Arbery case in Georgia, where three white vigilantes stalked, cornered, and shot a black man who was jogging through a neighborhood – and away from them – under the false premise that he may have been responsible for a local burglary. There is no plausible scenario in which these three men can reasonably claim self-defense, when the altercation was entirely of their own initiation, when the man murdered was unarmed, and when he had nothing to do with the crime in question. And of course, there is the issue of implicit or explicit racial bias related to the defendants, which is also difficult to ignore in a country where research shows that assumptions of guilt related to violent crime are consistently racialized, with black men assumed to be the prime perpetrators in violent and other criminal acts. If the Arbery defendants successfully justify their actions as “self-defense,” then the courts will have effectively criminalized being black in America. An acquittal sends a message that white vigilantes can commit violence and murder at will against people of color who have the nerve to venture out into public, and with black men’s mere existence constituting a “threat” from which white people need “protection.”

    As with Rittenhouse, the defendants in the Arbery case claimed “self-defense” to justify their actions. And with juries being instructed that they must rule on cases based on how a defendant says he or she feels, there is a clear bias in favor of would-be killers. We are now talking about situations where these individuals feel empowered to commit murder and rationalize post-hoc that it was in “self-defense” because they “felt” endangered, regardless of whether their fears were rational, or based on paranoia, bigotry, and a commitment to fascist vigilantism.

    What we’re really talking about here is the ascendance of the reactionary right, with white nationalist-neofascist hate groups like VDare and The Proud Boys using the Rittenhouse ruling as a rallying cry for further violence. A big picture reading of the Rittenhouse decision raises the specter that this ruling serves as a greenlight for future extremism, with rightwing vigilantes feeling they are vindicated in taking the law into their own hands. This was serious dereliction on the part of the Kenosha Police Department, allowing an underage minor who was in violation of Illinois state law to engage in illegal actions and provocation in the name of providing for security. Public protection is the job of the police, not minors with no police training who travel across state borders looking for violent confrontations. The details are already well-known regarding law enforcement’s dereliction, with Kenosha police encouraging Rittenhouse’s actions by giving him water, thanking him for coming, and then allowing him to flee after the shootings.

    Rittenhouse’s actions are being defended by right-wingers across the country who depict him as a hero, his actions as necessary, because police won’t protect people against urban violence.

    What the “hero” narrative ignores is that Rittenhouse had a history of aggressive vigilantism, having boasted weeks prior to traveling to Kenosha that he wanted to shoot people in the name of stopping retail theft. The incident in question involved Rittenhouse sitting in a car across the street from a CVS, in which a few individuals ran out of the store into their car, and Rittenhouse and his friends speculated that they were armed and may have robbed the store. Despite observing from afar and having no immediate knowledge of exactly what took place.
    They attacked them

  7. I wanna see Trump indicted for sedition and tax fraud. so poor young impressionable Rittenhouse will know who is hero is .
    Actually his mother should have been charged with reckless endangerment— she aided and abetted putting her minor son in harms way - and is complicit with endangering others.

  8. I think the fires will be worse next summer and the hurricanes will be worse. Global climate change will be worse. The loser centrist Democratic party will lose in 2022. The fascists will get in gerrymander and redistrict themselves into permanent power. By 2024 when the deranged , evil stupid , madman is back in power the whole of the United States will be engulfed in wildfires floods, hurricanes and nuclear meltdowns. The demon Trump will do a death frenzy blood bath. That's the ways it's going

  9. I disagree, but then I chant daimoku and live focused on proactive optimism.

  10. It is ok to be optimistic but it is not ok to ignore the damage our leaders inflict on others, particularly the Japanese leaders, many of whom are also SGI leaders. They are killing their own people and which to import Fukushima radioactive foods to the rest of the world. There is a mass extinction even going on thanks to Fukushima. To be proactive as a Nichiren Buddhist is to live the Rissho Ankoku Ron. I am optimistic too, that Namu myoho renge kyo will spread for ten thousand years and more. Please however, do not become complacent.

  11. Proactive optimism is not complacency. Nothing greater than upholding and sharing Myoho renge kyo.
    Believing all phenomena contains the Buddha’s “ enlightenment” is a real challenge with so much fear mongering gripping this country!
    Please don’t loose the joy that always accompanies experiences of protection and benefit just from chanting Namu Myoho Renge Kyo.
    Believers awaken in accordance with their karma .
    Trust the Law means not being complacent with our own perceptions, IMO. After all, we are all a long way from perceiving this three fold world as the Buddha described His domain.

  12. The sufferings of birth and death are Nirvana. The Buddha in our lives appears only in the context of the Nine Worlds. This is the Buddha's Land. To profoundly realize this 24/7 is quite a challenge.
