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Wednesday, October 6, 2021

What is the primary practice of the Lotus Sutra according to Nichiren?



  1. The primary practice is, CHANTING Namu Myoho Renge Kyo! One does so BELIEVING there will be merit for doing so, and continues because there is— and thus faith develops.

    Deriving joy from chanting daimoku - just from the act of chanting itself is Stage 1-
    I cherish having this experience before attending my first SGI meeting. I attribute my immediate seeking mind for the Gosho and the Lotus Sutra to this experience, and still believe ALL who derive joy simply by chanting daimoku quickly perceive there is no need for an organization or “mediator”, AKA self-professed, “teacher”.

    After 33 years of independently seeking the Gosho over any so-called leader, I realize there are no experts when it comes to understanding the teachings of Nichiren. Those who posture as experts are often the most ignorant and commit the gravest errors… according to Nichiren himself!


  2. Nichiren is an expert but I am a votary of the Lotus Sutra. I also don't believe in a protracted tit for a tat. I will call Jerry and see if what you say is true. If it is, I will forgive him for his transgression.

  3. 2 months later... blogger still attacks, Jerry, the fellow believer he "could call".

  4. He lied and merely stated that he joined the Nichiren Shoshu to to see their documentation. Then he started his, "only those who can read Japanese and Chinese can understand Nichiren" and I reminded him of Nichiren's teachings of not having to travel all the way to China, to have faith in and understanding of the teachings.
