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Tuesday, October 5, 2021

There were deluded disciples of Nichiren in his day and now the situation is far worse.

"There are some of my disciples who, in their foolish way of thinking, declare: “Though our teacher tries to propagate the teachings of the Lotus Sutra, not only does he fail to do so but he meets with these great difficulties. This is because he goes around proclaiming that ‘True Word will ruin the nation, Nembutsu leads to the hell of incessant suffering, Zen is the work of the heavenly devil, and the Precepts priests are traitors to the nation.’ He is like a person who with good reason files a complaint, but peppers it with abusive language.”

The millions of SGI members who are loathe to employ the forceful practices among the evil teachings and their adherents yet, perform the forceful practices against other Nichiren believers and their adherents, are just such renegade disciples.


  1. "The millions of SGI members who are loathe to employ the forceful practices among the evil teachings and their adherents yet, perform the forceful practices against other Nichiren believers and their adherents, are just such renegade disciples."
    who are you performing the so-called forceful practices, (your spin) on? how's that going?

  2. The Tibetans, the Zenmen, the Vajrayanists, the amidists, the SGI, Nichiren Shu, and Nichiren Shoshu (but not on neophytes), the Japanese, Russian, English, French, Pakistan, Indian, Israeli and USA governments. Since you fellows should know better it is beyond my ability to help you. you will have to experience your karmic retribution for slandering a true votary who assists the hundreds of readers here and elsewhere who are seeking Namu Myoho renge kyo or who are thinking about quiting the practice. Also, on Dharma Wheel, I teach those who are interested, on what the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren actually taught. Many practicing for 10, 20, or more years rarely read the Lotus Sutra and Gosho but now wish to find out what are the true teachings and doctrines of Nichiren. Of course all those who chant the Daimoku will attain Buddhahood but like those who persecuted Fukyo and began to believe, it may take 1000 kalpas in Hell. I don't want to take so long to attain Buddhahood and I suggest you follow Nichiren in attaining Buddhahood in this very life.

  3. " Also, on Dharma Wheel, I teach those who are interested, on what the Lotus Sutra and Nichiren actually taught."
    Nichiren taught chanting the daimoku- and respect for all others. I think you are weaponizing a beautiful, perfect teaching and doing so to claim superiority. I find that most distressing.

  4. Respecting those who are worthy of respect. Do you respect Trump. Do you reaspect me? You are as phony as a 3 dollar bill. Gewt off your high horse and chant Daimoku and correct they who need to be corrected, those with major influence like the SGI, Nichiren Shoshu, and Nichiren Shu.

  5. I’d argue the highest teaching is “ respect all living beings”- all are Shakyamuni’s “ children”, are they not?
    There’s a degree of subtlety regarding “showing respect”— being honest and sincere in addressing another is showing respect, as is honestly condemning damaging actions/ behavior/ speech. Stating my views is not coming from my believing I have the authority to “ correct” anyone. It is you who claims that authority , defaming anyone who disagrees with you. That is what “ disrespect” looks like

  6. According to Nichiren. the teachings that all beings have the Buddha nature, the first half of the Lotus Sutra is the second most important teaching of the Lotus Sutra while the eternal enlightened life of the Buddha is the the first most important teaching of the Lotus Sutra - Opening of the Eyes Teaching.

    You do yourself a disservice and others too by not correcting errant beliefs, mixing practices, for example. There are hundreds performing other spiritual practices for example. I correct as many of them as I can.

  7. The "eternal enlightened life of the Buddha" permeates all phenomena in the universe. I believe that "showing respect for all living beings" is faith in the Lotus Sutra made manifest. It was that manifestation of faith in the Buddha's teaching that caused Fukyo to be hated and attacked.
    I do not disrespect the various beliefs of others when I share the essential practice taught by Nichiren, nor do I adopt an attitude of "correcting them". I take to heart the difference between acting as an authority and displaying reverence and humility toward the Buddha's highest teaching. Because, I do not want to do a "disservice" to the Lotus Sutra, by acting against the Buddha's golden words and His living example.

  8. You sound like the late Kathy Sain, believing yourself a model of compassion while in fact, misunderstanding the compassion of the forceful practices:
