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Monday, May 16, 2022

Namu Myoho renge kyo for the victims in Buffalo. Anonymous responds to the attack and other views...

I despise SGI. SGI is one of the most racist phoney authoritarian religions in the world. The Japanese people know it. Many Americans know it. I also despise fox news. The coward worship money and power. The hero's and truly good straight, shooting people stand up to injustice and murder Fox News is poisoning America. Rupert Murdoch and his heirs should be shunned. by @maassp  Remarkable number of GOP candidates responding to Buffalo slaughter with variations of “what about that time a Black person killed people?” No dog whistles here. This is open fascism.


  1. SGI HAS NOTHING TO SAY because it stands for nothing except beggin for money and a sick attention. fox is treasonous, as is SGI/NST. FOX STOKES WHITE FRIGHT.

  2. And no one takes you seriously ? So yell with CAPS 😂
    Where has raging against the SGI gotten you ? Besides having a cheap excuse for being a lonely old man who can’t maintain friendships … 🥸
