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Monday, June 27, 2022

An SGI YMD leader has his say and my response

YMD leader: Word up to blog administrator , Rogow: Your format here is totally disingenuous. Rather than allow readers to engage on the posts where these comments were made, you snatch them up, then arrange them is very misleading ways and usurp the conversation.

Mark: Nonsense. Respond here and I will post it

YMD leader: Look, there is a spurious method to your madness that does not escape notice. You’re just another double talking self righteous zealot who talks about the great personal power of religious teachings, then prohibits individuals from exercising their personal power.

Mark: I have invited numerous SGI top leaders to a fomal debate and they ALL ran like dogs, their tails between there legs.

YMD leader; Lotus Sutra is great. It is supreme - goal to propagate widely means empowering people to live with compassion and wisdom, NOT seek some crooked autocrat to control them.

Mark: Thats not what your leaders teach. They teach that the Lotus Sutra has lost its power in Mappo and one can only come to understand the Lotus Sutra through the commentary of Daisaku Ikeda. Care to see the examples?

Nichiren teaches:

"Great Concentration and Insight says: “If one lacks faith [in the Lotus Sutra], one will object that it pertains to the lofty realm of the sages, something far beyond the capacity of one’s own wisdom to comprehend. If one lacks wisdom, one will become puffed up with arrogance and will claim to be the equal of the Buddha.” - Opening of the Eyes

You are so blind that you can not see the crooked duplicitous conman autocrat in front of your face, Daisaku Ikeda. Yet, in your (SGI member's) arrogance, you state, "I am a Buddha."

YMD leader: You don’t know the country you live in other than you get to spew whatever you choose without prosecution or censorship, unless the extremist majority of the SCOTUS are unchecked!

Mark: I know all to well the nature of our country and its leaders, be they Democrat, or Republican. you would censor me, wouldn't you, for the sake of your cult which functions like an multi-level marketing scheme.

YMD leader: Lol President Ikeda started world wide propagation on a large scale.

Mark: Yes, initially, the propagation of Nichiren Shoshu and then of Ikedaism, not the Lotus Sutra Buddhism of Nichiren

YMD leader: The daimoku and my faith guide my actions, tho, and I respect others figuring out their path.

Mark: Not the daily guidance of Ikeda? Be sure to brush your teeth today or put on your sunscreen...snicker

YMD leader: You’re clueless, bro and wrong for speaking for thousands of SGI members you will never meet.This blog of yours is the polar opposite of exemplary human behavior. SGI USA YD Gen Z AKA: Zoomers

Mark:First of all, Im not your bro. I have already proven you clueless. All you have is the cult technique of bull baiting. Come on, discuss the teachings, can't you?

1 comment:

  1. You don’t ruffle my feathers.
    If all I know and believe with all my heart is Myoho Renge Kyo is the essential teaching, I’d be head and shoulders above you and your doubts.
    But I also know that people chanting and supporting each other, whether they support SGI in other ways or not, is amazing, joyful and so much more affirmative of the Lotus Sutra than what you got going on here.
    More titling posts with insults and running your game.
    Like you’ve got your own criminal enterprise or close to it.
    No worries for sincere believers tho.
    Bet that is what fires you up.
    Not disclosing my gender, BTW.
